Rules are Made to be Broken

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Ezra crouched in the shadow of an abandoned market stall, heart pounding as he gripped his lightsaber.  He could hear pounding boots drawing closer.  He counted down in his head.  When it sounded as if the soldiers were practically on top of him he dove out of cover and fired.

Two stormtroopers went down before the other three even knew what had happened.  By the time they raised their blasters Ezra had already vanished around the next corner.

"Specter Six, where are you?" a voice crackled from Ezra's communicator.

"I'm a little busy," Ezra called in reply, darting onto a side street.  He skidded to a halt as two stormtroopers blocked his path.  He only fired once before running back the way he had come.

"Are those blaster shots?" the voice from the communicator demanded.

"I said I was busy!" Ezra retorted as he climbed onto the roof of a market stall.

"What part of undercover don't you understand?" the communicator growled.  "You're going to blow the mission!"

Ezra scrambled onto the warm roof, feeling the sun beat down from above.  Far below the stormtroopers halted.  Ezra crouched and listened as they shouted orders below.  Gradually the noise died away.

A burst of wind whipped past him and he turned in time to see a small ship arrive.  It hovered in place and lowered the cargo hold doors, allowing Ezra to climb onboard.  A man was waiting for him inside.

"This can't keep happening," Kanan Jarrus, Ezra's Jedi Master, sighed.

"What?  I got the intel," Ezra retorted, holding up a holodisk.  He tossed it to Kanan, who held it in place using the force.  Ezra watched enviously as it revolved in place, suspended by nothing.

"The point was not to let the Empire know we had this," Kanan admonished.  He let the holodisk fall into his waiting hand.  "We need every advantage we can get."

"Hey, I got the job done," Ezra retorted.  He pushed past his master and farther into the Ghost.  It seemed like Kanan was never pleased.  Even when Ezra managed to complete the mission.

The door swished open, granting entrance to the room Ezra shared with Zeb.  Thankfully it was empty at the moment.  He threw himself onto the bed with a sigh.  Moments later the door breezed open a second time.

"Not in the mood to be bothered, Zeb," Ezra called.

"It's not Zeb," Kanan responded. Ezra groaned and turned away from the door.

"You need a serious attitude adjustment, Ezra," Kanan told him.

"I don't need an attitude adjustment. I need a little trust put in me. I got the holodisk, didn't I? Have I ever failed?"

"That's not the point."

"Then what is? Nobody got hurt. I didn't blow our cover."

"Ezra, rules are there for a reason."

"I didn't break any rules!"

"One rule is to obey your superiors. And we told you not to be seen."

"If you just came here to chew me out, then forget it. I don't have to listen to any of this."

Ezra closed his eyes. For a moment there was only silence. It didn't last long.

"If you're going to be a Jedi, you have to learn how to live by the rules," Kanan admonished. Ezra groaned, throwing his arm across his eyes.

"Rules, rules, rules," he complained. "That's all I ever hear."

"These aren't just rules. They're a way of life."

Ezra removed his arm and sat up, glaring at his master. Kanan stared cooly back.

"Oh yeah? How?" Ezra demanded.

"Trust me," Kanan told him. "You'll learn to appreciate the rules. All of them. And especially rule number one."

"What's that?"

"When it's broken, you'll know."

Ezra slumped back onto the bed.

"You sound like Yoda," he complained.

"Yoda was a wise master," Kanan replied. "You would do well to learn from his teachings."

"Ezra, could you get some supplies for me?" Hera asked, poking her head into the room.

"Sure, whatever," Ezra said, standing and brushing past her and out into the hall beyond.  As he walked away he could hear Kanan and Hera's lowered conversation.

"You didn't need to do that," Kanan muttered.

"You're too hard on him.  He's still a kid," Hera replied.

The door slid shut behind Ezra and he sighed, leaning against the wall.

"I'm not a kid," he muttered.  "I'm a Jedi padawan.  And I'll prove that I can do things."

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