Accepting my Fate

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Sie's POV

I need a plan, a good plan so I can change dad's mind, I'm not leaving here not now or ever.

Flash back:

"Listen to me carefully, I know that you will not like what I have to say, but please listen until the end, don't interrupt me Okay?? I nodded my head.

"Sie, we are going to Korea, and..." I cut him not caring that I agreed not to, "what? Korea? You mean for a vacation?"

"I asked you to listen until the end, but..." he sighed and continued : "Yes Korea, and not for vacation, we are going back and never coming back, something happened and we have to move back as soon as possible, I still have some business to finish before going. Don't ask questions because I don't have answers, that will be all, this meeting is over"

End of Flash Back

I didn't get much sleep since that day and it's not like it's something new, im used to it now." I sighed for the millionth time today.

I told my best friend Rachel about dad's decision and believe me you don't want to know her reaction, I'm friend with her since forever and for me to be separated from her, it's just like separating two sisters from each other, she cried a lot and I can't blame her I would cry too if I had any tears left.

"Miss Sie, dinner is ready", Marta's warm voice wake me from my thoughts but I didn't respond.

"Sie darling, please come and eat dinner, your dad is calling for you" she said sadness valid in her voice, she waited for a while and left.

Since my heated conversation with dad 3 days ago, I'm giving him the silent treatment hoping that this will change his mind but until now it's not working. But something is weird about him these past few days, his behavior changed, he's home more, wants to have meals with me and wants to talk to me. I'm having trouble understanding him lately, he's like he's someone else...

I heard knocking in my bedroom door, who is it again. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Sie honey, are you still awake?" I heard dad's voice and I froze, should I open the door or fake sleep?? It's not like I don't want to talk to him, I do, actually I really like his new self, warm, talkative and always around but what I don't like...

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"Sie honey, are you still awake?" I heard dad's voice and I froze, should I open the door or fake sleep?? It's not like I don't want to talk to him, I do, actually I really like his new self, warm, talkative and always around but what I don't like is his mysterious decision to move back.

He knocked again: "please Sie, please open the door" he said his voice cracking at the end.

No way, is my dad crying, I'm probably imagining. I hurried and opened the door; he was looking at the ground. I told him to enter and closed the door; he sat on my bed so I sat next to him, he raised his head and looked me in the eyes, his face took me by surprise, he was indeed crying, his eyes are red and puffy, what's going on, my dad never cry and I mean NEVER, even when my mom died he didn't shed any tears...

"Listen baby girl, I know that I'm not the best dad in the world, you deserve a better father than me, I don't show it often or maybe never, but you are the most precious person I have left, I love you so much and I'll always choose what's best for you. I know that my decision was sudden and I didn't give you any reasons, but you have to trust me on this and when the time is right I'll explain everything to you".

I didn't realize I was crying until my dad wiped my tears off my cheeks and he kissed my forehead. I couldn't say anything I just cried and cried for the first time in years, after my mom died I cried for mouths until Marta came to the house and tried to ease my pains, I thaught that I don't have any tears left but here Iam crying like a baby in my dad's arms.

I didn't know how much we stayed like that and I don't mind it at all, actually I love it I feel like I'm a little girl again and no worries in this world could ruin this moment even going back to Korea.

Sorry for the long wait, i was working on 02 chapters YAY.

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Thank you and until next time, take care

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