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Yes I know Fireproof wasn't on the setlist.

I was mad that it wasn't so I decided to put it in myself ;P


That will be all :)))

- Hannah x


I think the most exciting moment of it all was seeing the four boys rush onto the stage, one by one they skip or jog or sprint to greet the hundreds of fans screaming their names. The adrenaline coursing through my veins could have made me faint and the hot tears spurred by my overwhelmed heartbeat made me dizzy.

Niall, his fist pumping the air and his wide smile hugs the stadium.

Louis, his bright eyes and confident strut empowers us all.

Liam, his humble wave and welcoming cheers make his fans feel at home.

And Harry, his cool, calm and collected stride accompanied with a cheeky grin had me captivated. I know what his persona entails judging from the interviews, clips and films but in real life, it's almost magnetising. I find my eyes have been caught too long on the man, the way his damp curls cover his skin, the way a thin layer of sweat coats his inked biceps, the way his lean frame-

"They are hot!" I hear my best friend shout down my ear, erupting an uncomfortable vibration in my ear as I snap out of my gaze and nod in agreement.

They are fucking hot.

My eyes travel back to Harry as he waves at fans that are standing close by to centre stage. He is chewing gum. I notice how he looks at each of the fans he brushes hands with, or waves at. I instantly feel conscious. What if he looks at me ? What if he thinks I'm ugly ? I almost laugh at the ridiculous thought simply because I know he wouldn't care; he sees tens of thousands of girls every damn week.

I pull my eyes away to look at Kayla and she is gone. What?

She must have gone to the bathroom.


Before I know it, the boys are clustered together on stage, already starting the second song of the night. Kayla is still not back and I try my best to ignore her absence and enjoy my night as much as I possibly can. I hum the melancholic tune of Fireproof and sway slowly along to the beat of the music. Although the boys are stood far away, I can see every detail in their faces. I find myself looking at Harry the most; my eyes drawn to his lips that softly articulate the first line.

''I roll and I roll til' I'm out of luck,

Yeah I roll and I roll til' I'm out of luck''.

His eyes flicker under the bright stage lights and I am well and truly captivated by his brisk tone and deep voice. My stomach turns as the boys join in and they gravitate around the stage like magnets. 



I drag my eyes away from the stage and follow the familiar voice coming from behind me. Kayla approaches holding a tall, tanned man's arm. She has a red cup in her hand and a large grin on her face. My face must be plastered with confusion because Kayla quickly drops the man's arm and smiles awkwardly. 

''This is Brandon.. He texted me a minute ago and told me he was here.. We're really good friends'' Kayla explains before raising her eyebrows and taking a sip of her drink. 

''Hey Olive, Kayla's told me a lot about you'' Brandon smiles. He is tall and marked with tattoos from his neck to his fingertips. He coolly wraps his arm around Kayla and I instantly dislike him. I've never heard of the boy and Kayla says they are 'good friends'. 

I politely smile although my smile does not match my feelings. I am angry, confused and disgusted. It is obvious that Kayla planned to meet him here and I suddenly realize that her bringing me to see my favorite band was not a friendly gesture but a selfish move to get in this fuckboy's good books. 

''I'm Olivia'' I emphasize my name loudly so he can clearly get the hint that he does not have the right to call me Olive. 

I almost want to leave the couple and enjoy the show alone because I know that these two being in my proximity will distract me from the concert, but politeness gets the better of me and I convince myself to stand by them and try to ignore there lingering presence. 

''We're having such a good night Seattle!!!'' Liam shouts after the third song finishes and my eyes flicker over to Kayla and Brandon. 

God, Liam I wish I could say the same. 

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