Talk Dirty to Me

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Hola! ok this is my fist time writing so plz bear with me lol. plz tell me if anything is wrong or something u don't like. thnx for reading!


Elizabeth's P.O.V

Hi my name is Elizabeth Parks. My parents and I just moved to Bradford from Chicago, so it's gonna need some getting used to. My parents assigned me to Glenbrook south High School, a private school. I hate being the new kid.

Right now it's 6:30a.m and I have to be at school by 8:00a.m. I'm just brushing my teeth and brushing my hair. I'm trying to put moisturizer to fix the pores on my face. The first week is casual day so I'm wearing a red crop top with "zap" on the front and some denim shorts.

I head downstairs and look at my appearance in the mirror. I'm going to look very "unique" at my new school. I'll probably be the only Asian there with long black hair and 5'0. I'll probably talk weird too; I tend to have an Asian accent when talking fast or getting angry.

I look at the time and see it's 7:35a.m, so I rush downstairs and skip breakfast. I'm slipping on my black toms and black leather jacket and walk to school. The school is only a block away so I won't be late. As I'm leaving my house I see the neighbor leaving too. He seems really cute. He has shiny blond hair that goes up in a small quif.

"Bye mom I'm leaving for school!" I hear the guy say. He then looks in my direction, and I just realize I'm staring so I look away. He calls me over "hey, wait up!"

"Are you heading to Glenbrook South?" the guy asks.

"Yeah, I'm new. What about you?"

"Well I've been there for quite a while, so I can show you around. I'm Niall."

"I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Liz." I respond.

"Well Liz here we are, Glenbrook South High School." Niall announces.

This is one big school I hope I don't get lost. As we're walking through the hallway I see a group of four guys checking me out, its kinda creeping me out.

Niall then interrupts my thoughts,

" Here's your locker 69. Mine is over by 71 if you need any help." Great locker 69 ugh.

"Can I see your schedule?" Niall asks politely.

"Sure here, what's your first class?" I ask.

"Ohh I have English with Mrs. George. You have history with Mrs. Kyle."

Dang it, now I have to walk around by myself ugh. As I grab my books, I see the same group of guys staring at me.

They guy with the black hair and quif winked at me and smirked.

Zayn's P.O.V

I'm staring at the new girl and damn she looks hot. I zone out for a minute until my friend Harry catches me staring.

" Yo dude, stop staring she's mine"

Harry says teasingly.

"What are you talking about? I wasn't staring." I say lying.

Harry can always tell when I'm lying we've grown up together since we were five years old, so we can always read each other.

" Please man you have no chance with her." I tell Harry

"I have a better chance than you" Harry responds.

"Ok then let's make this interesting. I bet that I can get into her pants before you." I announce to him.

"You're on."


Liz's P.O.V

Ugh I'm so sad Niall left me here alone. Now how am I supposed to find my class?! I wish someone could help me.....wait. I think the guy with black hair is walking over to me! I must say he looks very sexy with a quif and white see through shirt. Damn it stop thinking about him!

"Hello, love you must be new here. I'm Zayn." the guy says.

"I'm Liz. Can u help me find my class? I have history with Mrs. Kyle."

"Yeah I'm headed there right now, follow me."

As I follow Zayn to class I see him look behind him at his friend with curly hair and wink at him. Hmm.....

As Zayn walks me to class everyone starts whispering about me. "Woah Zayn got a new girl already" "Dude stay away from her" "Who's Zayn's new slut?" That one really got to me, but I tried to ignore it.

We reach history class and Zayn tells me to sit next to him. Why does everyone keep staring at me?! As we're starting class, Ms. Kyle introduces me to the class.

"Well students before we start class, I want to introduce a new student, Gabrielle Parks. " Would you please come up and tell us about yourself?" Ms. Kyle asked. As I walked everyone was staring again. ugh. "Hi I'm Elizabeth Parks, I'm turning 15 in June, and I love cookie dough?" I didn't know what to say but everyone started laughing in the end. "Thank you Ms. Parks, you may go back to your seat now" Ms. Kyle said. On the way to my desk all the guys were saying "damn" " she's hot".

During the rest of the class we talked about wwii. I was about to fall asleep until the guy next to me put his hand on my leg; he was slowly moving up until I slapped his hand away. He just chuckled and smirked at me. I look at Zayn and he just glares at the guy. I wonder who he is, whatever. Zayn then passes me a note.

Don't worry about him. I really like you. Do wanna meet after school maybe? -Zaynx

What do I do? I just met the guy! But he does seem really nice, and he's super cute! What could go wrong?


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