Chapter 6

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“Don't you have a shirt that literally looks exactly like that?” I asked in an exasperated voice, checking the time and realizing not even ten minutes had passed from the last time I checked my phone. I groaned and leaned my head against Niall’s back, ready to fall asleep.

         He chuckled, checking his phone and placing the shirt back on the rack, “Guess you’re right, good eye little one.” He reached over his shoulder to ruffle my hair, laughing as I grumbled but suddenly becoming consumed with his phone as a round of texts came in. I pulled my head away from him as his back vibrated with his laughter, watching as he answered the messages and put his phone back in his pocket, smiling fondly.

         “Who was that?” I asked before I could stop myself, becoming a little jealous. Niall barely glanced over, clearly not catching my tone and continuing to browse through the shirts, “My best friend from home, Maya.” Girls name. I stiffened, pulling away for him but feeling bad for feeling this way at the same time, “Miss her?” It wasn't my place to care so much, to be feeling this angry but he was my nanny wasn't he?

         He glanced over at me, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, “Course I miss her, she’s my best friend.” I nodded, looking away and trying to look busy as I started to look through the shirts he had already looked at. Niall was still staring at me, confused by my sudden concern over the shirts when I had been so eager to leave before. I blushed as his gaze followed me around the store over to where I found the hats.

         He followed me over and by the time he got there, he was smiling, “Jealous?”

         “No,” I snapped, not meeting his eye. “Annoyed we’re still in this store but never jealous.”

         “We can go to a different one if you'd like,” he smirked, watching me scowl.

         “I’d like to go home, we’ve been in the mall for two hours and I’m tired,” I pouted, ducking as he reached over again to ruffle my hair. He pulled me into his chest, my face pressed against his shirt as he rocked back and forth, “Do you need a nap grumpy?”

         “I’m not a child Niall,” I scowled, trying to pull away but he kept my face pressed into his shirt, the longer I stayed there, the quicker my anger ebbed away. He was here, with me, not with Maya and he was paying attention to me. He rubbed my back soothingly, cooing, “Still a child Emma-“ and at the moment, I didn't care he had said that.

“So uh, I was thinking…?” For once, Niall seemed nervous as we sat in the car. A few moments ago he had lowered the music and was now tapping his fingers nervously against the wheel. I stared at him, surprised he was actually nervous but found it a little endearing; he was cute when he wasn't take charge, kind of like a little puppy.

         “Can you hurry up and ask? This is my favorite song,” I faked an annoyed voice and continued to watch him as he gulp and adjusted the snapback on his head.

         “I was wondering how you would feel if I had a few friends come stay with us next week,” Niall said quickly, in a rush. My face flushed and I tried not to glare at him as I sucked in my cheeks and remained silent; no way I wanted this Maya chick here.

         “They’re all boys, your mum said it was okay, but I don't know how you feel and I don't want to make you uncomfortable since this is your Christmas and my job is to keep you happy,” he continued, looking out towards the road. My face suddenly brightened and I couldn't help but think about how cute Niall could be if he got jealous with my hanging out with all his guy friends. It was an immature thought but I loved jealous Niall. I nodded quickly, speaking up when I realized he wasn't looking at me, “That sounds pretty fun. Will they be here for Christmas?”

         He nodded, his nervousness disappearing and smiling, “Yeah, they want to get away from our hometown for a little bit, been there for too long and need a break just like I did. It’s four of them, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry. I think you’ll like them, they’re protective like me but more fun I reckon.”

         “Aw little Nialler is admitting he’s no fun,” I cooed, pinching his cheek before he slapped my hand away and scowled. “It’ll be a party then yeah? When are they going to get here?”

         “Monday,” he answered, sounding excited. “I missed them a lot, not that I don't love being here with you-“

         “Yeah save it,” I rolled my eyes, turning the music back up. “Let’s get home so we can get ready to eat.”

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