Chapter 10 ~Syrup on Sausage?

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A/N I don't remember how long it's been since James and Axel met so I'm setting it to 1 month and 3 weeks since they've met (Wow, I'm such a good author) <note the sarcasm. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts.

Axel's bedroom (Up top or on side)

Chapter 10 ~Syrup on Sausage?

A ship is always safe on shore but that is not what it's built for ~Albert Einstein


Axel's POV

"Ricky" I groaned "Why are you still here" I complain.

He looked over at me and rolled his eyes "I told you that I was staying the weekend now go to sleep we have school tomorrow" he ordered.

"You can't tell me what to do I'm an alpha" I told him.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm an alpha too plus I'm older than you are that means you have to do what I say" he smirked.

"I'll have you know that I turn 18 in 3 weeks" I boasted.

"Congratulations do you want me to clap" he replied sarcastically.

I scowled and hit him in the face with my pillow "Get your ass to sleep" I say while getting comfortable on my side of the bed.

"Axel" he whined "You're on my side of the bed"

"You must be on crack because this is my side and I should know because this is my bed" I hissed at him while closing my eyes.

"But that side is comfortable" he cried.


<I thought that the walls were soundproof> I told Keiran.

<They are you just left the door wide open> he replied.

I facepalmed causing Ricky to give me a strange look I just ignored him and closed my room door. When I turned back to my bed I saw Ricky snuggled up on my side "Fuck you Ricky" I grumbled. He just smirked and gave me a thumbs up while snuggling into my pillow.

I crawled over Ricky -on purpose- and got comfortable on the other side of the bed. I was just starting to doze off when my phone rang. "Fuck" I grumbled "I'll just let it ring" I mumbled while closing my eyes again.

"I think the fuck not I'm trying to sleep" Ricky said sleepily beside me.

"Fine motherfucker have it your way" I rolled over and answered my phone without checking the caller I.D. "This better be fucking important because it's interrupting my beauty sleep" I grumbled into the phone.

"Do you want me to call back tomorrow" I heard James say.

I perked up at his voice "Pssh what no you're fine. It's fine. So is there a reason you called" I rambled stumbling on my words a bit.

"Yes there is a reason I called the project is due in 3 weeks and we don't have shit completed" He said.

I made a sour face even though he can't see me "And you called me at 11:30 at NIGHT to tell me this" I hissed

"I also wanted to say goodnight" he said sheepishly.

"Goodnight" I told him back "I'll see you tomorrow" I told him he only hummed in response and hung up.

I released a sigh and laid back down Ricky shifted next to me "Who was it" he asked.

"It was James" I told him my cheeks flushing pink in the process.

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