The Rift: Chapter 3

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Everything was shaking violently, and for a split second I lost which way was up. It then stopped just as suddenly as it started. "What was with that?" I ask. I am not a fan of being tossed around in a large metal object. It makes me feel like I'm about to become an egg in a dropped glass bowl.

"Some turbulence caused by the rift," he replies, "gravity near it gets a little... Funky-"

"Unstable," the doctor interrupts without looking up from he clip boar constantly jotting down notes, "it's a small fluctuation that causes the largest objects to be the center of gravity. So there are many places you can be standing without any fear of falling. Think of it as there is no such thing as up, except for what is above your head. It is tricky to explain, but we have just recently have been able to replicate that kind of terrain for combat arenas."

"Combat arenas?" I ask. They didn't sound like fun places to be participating in. As much of a fan I am of being in a large shaking metal object, I'm even a less of a fan of fighting to the death.

Xynoph laughs. "Yes! Combat arenas! I love those things. You are either on your own or on a team. And you fight to the opposing side till one of you concedes. No rules other than you must stop fighting after one side concedes," he says. I try imagine me in a fight. It doesn't go so well.

The lady pulls out an iPad and touches the screen a few times. "You will be assigned to apartment three forty-two," she says without looking up, "housing building three, forth level, second apartment. 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, and a living room mixed with a kitchen."

"That's very roomy for an apartment isn't it?" I asked

"It is. One more room and it would be a house," she continued, "There is already one resident. Her name is Lietta. She will be the one to show you the ropes around here."

"A girl living with me? Aren't genders supposed to be separated or something?" I ask. Last time I remember, and I don't, the genders where separated to keep any "funny" business from happening.

"Here? No," she says, "on earth it's different. The reason we don't is so that you can have you freedom and privacy. Under the knowing that if the female comes writhing possession of a fetus, or baby, then she will immediately be removed from school. Both the male and the female will have to take care of the child. The mother forced to stay with it making the father the only one to support them financially. Having a job, going to school, AND taking care of a child will wear him down and eventually he will quit school and take up a full time job. Once he quits he will need to find a house, for we will not shelter those who do not attend. And that will create a large problem for both parties." I think of her explanation for a second and through that time we sit in silence.

"So basically life becomes hell?" I ask after coming to that conclusion. It seemed that if you had to live through that, he'll would seem like a simple sauna.

"Exactly. So it's more of an "at your own risk" situation," she replies. Suddenly the voice from earlier comes on the intercom again, telling us we are one minute from landing. "we will be landing on top of your housing building," she says, " so we will let you out and you will proceed to apartment three forty-two." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small sheet of paper. " report to this address at four o'clock tomorrow for a small check up," she continues, "other than that your on your own till Monday, we will send you your schedule Sunday."

I started to feel a little nervous. So much was going through my head and I was about to get an apartment, and meet a roommate who not only do I not know but is also a girl, and that there was this rift portal thing and... Ugh, it's going to be a tiring next few days.

Through all those thoughts I we had some how landed and I was already at my apartment door. funny how your mind can get so confused and yet you still get to the place you need to go. I do everything I can to push out every other thought in my head and I knock on the door.

"Just a minute!" I hear from behind the door. Then some sort of gibberish is heard. "Wait wait wait! No! No!" I hear followed by what sounds like a mini explosion. I reach for the door handle to go in to see if she is alright when suddenly the door opens and behind it is a girl about five feet, and looked a bit slim.

She wore a blue t-shirt that had the words "Ace Academy" in gold, and a pair of blue jeans, she also seemed to be wearing a beanie, which confused me seeing as it appears to be the middle of spring. She had auburn brown hair and emerald green eyes. Her skin tone was about as dark as an almond if not a little lighter. It looked as though she had been working under a car for hours.

"Hi, don't ask," she said catching me slightly off guard, "you must be Kyle. Come in, I'll show you the ropes after I get cleaned up."

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