Chapter 4

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I followed her inside. The room appeared to be a living room, the walls where some sort of Kaki color. The floor was hardwood, and the couch to my right was a black leather couch and to my right was a large entertainment system that was almost took up the entire wall, with a large flat screen and a couple of game systems under it in glass cabinets. Directly strait ahead of me was the kitchen. It had a bar separating the two rooms, other than that there wasn't much separating the two rooms themselves.

"I apoloise for the mess," she says, which I didn't really understand seeing as the place is practicaly spotless. " And sorry about the explosion as well," she said after turning around to me before she entered the hallway, " I was just trying to find out what the extremem flux of magical energy. I dont know  where it came from but it just appeared out of no where!" she continued down the hallway. I followed after into a room. There was a small twin size bed in the corner, with a small dresser next to it. but thats not what drew my attention the most. What did was the crystals of all sorts of shapes and sizes and colors. As they would float closer to each other, a random spark of energy connected them for a second, and as soon as they connected, they disconnected. " you look like you've never seen one of these before," she says looking at me puzzledly, "where did you come from?" The question snapped me out of the trance I had apparently been in.

"Um..." It took me a second to work out an answer, seeing i didnt know exactly know where. "A tree," I finally respond, " A lovely tree in a lovely valley with lovely grass." she laughs for a second.

"No, no, really, what school did you go to?" she asked still laughing a little bit. I continue looking at her with a serious glance. Slowly stopped laughing. "So... Your serious?" she asks me. I shrug and nod, confirming her question. she then walks towards me and starts examining me front to back up and down. "But... But...," she studdered not understanding completely, "You look nothing like a sprite! not even close!"

"A sprite?" I ask, hoping its not what I think it is, and if it is, glad not to be one.

"Yes a sprite!" she exclames, " Great Angels, is Ace Academy just accepting people off the street now?" Then she suddenly stops moving and stares past my head.

"What? what is it?" I turn around and see what she saw. I had not focused too much on my surroundings seeing as the conversation seemed to be confusing me too much. The  crystals had seemed to be floating around me, like as though they were fish looking at something they had never seen before, the energy was jumping from one to the other, much faster now. "Whats going on?" I asked, sounding much more frightened than i actualy was.

"Its ok, their harmless" she says still staring at them.

"Yes, thats what everyone says right before they die"

"Ha, Ha, funny, no. they truly are harmless... their just... oh my god..." she says in amazement, then looks at me, "You didn't come from a tree... You came from whatever caused that imense power spike! come sit down, i'll get you something to drink! Any type of teleportation like that needed to have sucked the life out of you!" I went to protest as she sat me on her bed, then I relized that I WAS thirsty. Not only thirsty, but tired as well. She then left the room, and i laid on my back watching as the crystals floated around me. The next the I knew I was unconscious.

The Kyle of Koriana Chronicles: The  RiftWhere stories live. Discover now