Chapter 2

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*Saige's POV*

The rest of the night I only had one person on my mind. The blue-eyed boy. I didn't even get his name. I didn't know anything about him and yet I couldn't stop thinking about him. Part of me was intrigued by him, but the other part was scared. Something about him gave off a bad vibe. It was finally time for me to get off work.

I headed to the back of the club, changed my clothes, and packed my bag. All of a sudden the lights turned off. It was pitch black.

"Hello?" I called out.

There was no answer. I started searching for my phone, but I couldn't find it in the dark.

"Quit fucking around. Whoever you are stop being a dick. It's not funny."

I heard faint footsteps behind me so I shot my body around. My breath hitched when I saw that there was nothing there. My body started shaking and my hands got sweaty. Tears were forming in my eyes. I quickly tried to find the door. Using common sense, I remembered which way I was facing before, so I was able to find it. I desperatley tried to feel for the doorknob. Once I found it I forcefully turned the handle, but it was locked.

"No, no, no," I whispered to myself. I slammed my back onto the door and slid down onto the floor. Now the real tears were coming.

All of a sudden the lights turned on and there was a face right in front of me.

"BOO!!!!" the face yelled. I screamed at the top of my lungs, I'm surprised my voice didn't give out.

Once I opened my eyes I saw who it was. My best friend's Robyn and Marie. My heavy breathing slowed down and I felt like my eyeballs were going to pop out of my head and steam was going to come out of my ears.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS?!" I screamed.

All they could do was laugh. Robyn was on the floor clutching her stomach. I stood back up and crossed my arms.

"You sh-should've seen your - oh my god y-your face," Robyn wheezed. She obviously was laughing to hard to be able to form a proper sentence. I just stood there, scowling at them.

"Oh lighten up. That's payback for when you made me give that old man a lap dance," Marie said while walking towards us and playfully slapping my ass. She was walking from the light switch, so it was obvious that she was the one controlling the lights while Robyn proceeded to scare the living shit out of me.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Fine fine. We're even. But we wouldn't be if I actually shit myself. I'm honestly surprised I didn't. It was about to come out if you guys would've went on for a few seconds longer." I laughed and earned a few chuckles from the girls.

"Well, I'm out friends. I'll see you two tomorrow," Marie waved as she walked out of the door.

I reached my hand out and helped Robyn off the floor. We walked over to our bags and she started to get changed.

"So who was that blonde boy you were talking to earlier?"

"I don't know who you're talking about," I lied.

"Oh shut up Saige. He gave you money. The tall blonde with the tattoos and piercings? You know, the one you think is really hot," she winked at me while pulling her hoodie over her head.

"He was not hot. If anything he was fucking creepy. When I asked him what he wanted all he said was, 'you'll find out soon enough'. What the hell does that even mean?" 

Robyn laughed. "I don't know but I sure hope you do find out. If you don't hop on that one, I will." She nudged me.

"You go ahead and do that," I chuckled. "Let's go."

We grabbed our purses and said goodbye to everyone before we headed out of the club. I don't know about Robyn, but I was relieved every time I got out of that place. Once we got to my car I searched my purse and pockets for my keys. 

"Shit," I whispered to myself and then turned to Robyn. "I think I left my keys on the table. I'll be right back. Stay here."

"Where else am I gonna go?" She laughed.

I hurried back inside the club in search of my keys. I would always lose those damn things. I need to start taping them to my body every time I get out of the car. I finally found them on the ground by the door. They probably fell out of my pocket while I was on the floor being scared half to death. I grabbed them and headed back to my car. When I got there Robyn was nowhere to be seen.

"Robyn?" I called out. There was no answer.

I sighed, "Robyn if this is one of your stupid little tricks again I'm not falling for it. You should probably wait more than 20 minutes to prank the same person." But I still got no response.

All of a sudden I felt someone's arm wrap around my head and put a cloth over my mouth. I tried to scream and struggle out of the person's grip but they were just too strong. That's the last thing I remember before everything around me went pitch black.

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