Chapter 13

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Cheyenne pov

I woke up feeling no good i felt like UGH i dont feel good i hate being sick cause i cant do anything just lay in bed watchtv and other people eat nasty soup but not me i eat chicken noodle soup with the soda on the siide lol i called jepri....


Me- fellow

Jepri- wassup jello

Me- i dont feel good mellow and u the only one i can call and nina and chris is in school and can u come over

Jepri- only if u dont get me sick

Me- ok

Jepri- want me to bring the soda

Me- yea and my mom is gonna make her awesome chicken noodle soup

Jepri- lol ok what kind of soda

Me- 7-up plzz thx boo i owe u alot

Jepri- welcome and no u dont its cool

Me- u sure

Jepri- yea girl


Jepri- ill be there in 10mins


We hung up and i just sat there for a few mins she still hasnt came another few mins went she hasnt came im about to call her she better answer too

Jepri- hello

Me- where the hell are u my soupis getting fuckin cold and u kno i like drinking my soda with my soup

Jepri-im still at the store

Me-it take you 30mins to find a damn 2 liter 7-up at 1 store hurry the hell up

Jepri-ok ok damn

Ok now she came in 20mins

Me- where was u at

Jepri- the sore

Me- u lying where my soda at

Jepri- here


Its so boring a few more hours then chris and nina will be outta school

I just ate my chicken noodle soup with my soda and it was bomb asf like always the doorbell rung i hope its my nefew and nieces

???-wassup auntie

Me-hey macary

Macary- nothing

Me- where mercedies and mykel

Macary- mercedies at school and my down there

Me-awwe i wish i could get him

Macary-y cant u

Me- im sick dont u see my red stuffy nose and im sweating like a dog

Macary- ooh hi jepri

Jepri- hii

*she said so interested on the computer*

Me and macary laughed at her cuz she be funny some of the time

Net- wassup sis

Me- nothing

Net- where yo boyfriend

Me- y

Net- cuz i wanna kno

Me-u a lil stalker u cant take my boyfriend first of all second u too old

Net- im not old

Me- how old are u

Net- 26

Me- hes 19 so he is too old for u

Net- whatever im going back downstairs

Me- yea whatever byee

She gave me a stank face and i shrugged my shoulders she is just too old for him

Few hours later

jepri pov

Yeaa my hubbie is out of school and if yall dont know who that is it is sage the gemini :-Pim about to go see him

Cheyenne- see who

Me- sage

Cheyenne-really u just gon leave me here

Me- pretty much yea

* then i just left*

Cheyenne pov

She did not just leave me here

but its koo tho ima call chris and see what hes doing

Phone convo

Chris- hello

Me- wassup

Chris- nuthin u called me

Me- i just wanna see if u wanna come over

Chris- yea sure after i do my work

Me- when did u start doing work

Chris- idk i just do work

Me- o how long is it gonna take u

Chris- 10mins maybe

Me- but im sick and i want u here

Chris- alright ill be there love u

Me- love u too

End of phone convo

its gon be better with him here

He make me feel better

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