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Kate slung her rucksack onto her bunk, a wooden frame with a mattress about as supple as a countertop. She shared the room with about thirty other men in Easy Company, who she was to meet as soon as she stepped outside.

Kate had come prepared - she packed many "men's" belongings in her bag, such as pants, books, rubbers, playing cards, and the like. Nailed down tight beneath a wooden board in her footlocker, she tightly packed her more feminine items. Kate couldn't stand even imagining the humiliation if the company CO pulled a brassiere out of her things. As she latched down the lid of her locker, the flap in the wall swung open. A group of men burst in, chatting and laughing until they noticed Kate. 

"Well well, who's this? A new transfer?" The man in front asked in a surprisingly squeaky pitch and accent, tilting his head. His face was very defined: He had a nose so straight it could have been used as a ruler and the strongest jaw Kate had seen in her life. His short brown hair deceived Kate into thinking the man's gray eyes were brown. Despite his broad shoulders and muscular build, he wasn't tall at all.

"I'm, uh, Private James Nicolli." Kate stuttered.

"Well don't get so nervous, Nicolli, we ain't gonna bite! Except maybe for him." The man jerked a thumb at the skinny guy at the back of the group. "Bill Guarnere." Bill walked forward in a cumbersome manner and stuck out his hand. Kate gingerly shook it before stepping back and assessing the rest of them. There were four of them altogether. Behind Bill stood a grumpy looking man with short dark hair and eyes, a contrast to the freckled redhead beside him. At the the rear of the group stood the slim man with styled, dark hair and large eyes. They stared each other down for a few uncomfortable moments, until one of them spoke up.

"Well, are ya' gonna introduce yourselves or am I gonna have to do it for you?" The man at the back asked impatiently. He poked himself in the chest. "Joseph Liebgott. These are-"

He broke off as the redhead continued. "Hey, we got it, Joe. We know our names. Mine is Don Malarkey, on that note." He said, flashing an angelic grin.

"Joe Toye." The last man nodded in a gravelly but casual voice, showing the slightest beginning of a smile. Kate nodded.

"Nice to meet you all." Kate glanced at each of them. They looked as though they'd been together for years.

"You look like you seen a ghost, James. When did you get here?" Guarnere slapped her on the arm.

"Don't go acting like you didn't look twice as scared when you got here, Bill." Malarkey interjected.

"Yeah, specially once Sobel caught wind of him." Liebgott pulled a chuckle out of the group, but Kate was left blank faced. "Ah, I see you haven't had the pleasure of meeting our CO. He's-"

"Let him enjoy his ignorance, Joe, he'll get to know him too soon anyway." Bill shook his head at them. "But enough chatting, let's go, ladies." The last part was a joke, but nonetheless, it caught Kate off guard.

Sighing in relief, she smoothed her sheets as they left. 

"Are ya' coming or not, Morelli?" Bill called over his shoulder. Kate didn't realize she was invited. 

"Oh..." She weighed up the choices. Have fun arranging her gear, or meet the others? "Coming. And it's Nicolli, by the way. Or James. Or whatever." She scampered after them, catching up. She joined up with them, trying to act casual. Kate tried to make her walk look less feminine. She looked at how the others went - swinging their arms slightly, moving their shoulders. When Kate tried it, she was aware she looked completely stupid. Falling into place next to Liebgott, she tried to start a conversation. 

"So, uh, do you know if we have training today?" Kate tried not to stare at him too much. He wasn't hard on the eyes, but it probably wasn't as flattering if he thought Kate was a man. Joe just looked down at her and scoffed. 

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