chapter 13;him or him

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Did..did Karma actually called me on a date...or is it just friendly...?

The whole class I was asking myself that..then it reminded does Kayano and Nakamura know about what happened yesterday..

After school im going out with Karma
Is this really happening? But why would he ask me that..
No way man...
He just probably wants to hang out,that's all..After all I did told him that I will hang out with him more often..then again I wasn't thinking while saying that..

"That would be it class!Nyufurufuru! And don't forget the homework!Now..if you'll excuse me, ice cream is waiting for me in Italy!"

I hear groans and sights coming from around me..the students slowly getting up from their seats and heading out for the doors.
I start doing the same,glancing at Karma a few times just to see he was doing the same.
Then I hear my name being called out.

"(Y-n),you ready?"

He smirks looking quite suspicious.
The though of Karma and me going on a date makes me blush..

"Uh y-yeah.."

He looks at me curious and puzzled then slightly grins as if he haves an evil or sadistic plan.

"Why the stuttering?~"

"Ugh what do you mean?"

I say it a little shaky but still trying to sound confident raising my voice without noticing.

"Oh don't try to act tough little kitty~"

The nickname was literary going on my nerves and I felt like slapping him for a second.


I mumble it loud enough for him to hear..

"Hnm?What was that?"

He asks getting closer to my face..
I gathered enough courage so i wagged my tongue at him like a child.

"Why do you care?" I say it rather childish and cross my hands.


"Hahaha! "

This is the first time for me to hear Karma laughing out loud.
He then ruffled my hair..

Damn.He can't see me blushing like this...

"He he..come on..kitty"


time skip

We were finally heading towards the school gates..
We we're still fighting about nicknames..

"Honestly I don't mind you calling me a doggy"
He smirks.
"-after will finally be my master."


I was now punching him on his shoulder while he only laughed. idea poped up in my mind...

"Ne~Karma chan~May you please stop...your making me sad.."

He actually stopped walking for a second and looked at me...

"(Y-n)...what was that just now?"

"Hm?Is there something the matter Karma chan?~"

I grin evil but still trying to look innocent and cute.
I see him fluster a bit..oh how I wish it was easy to make him blush..


"Hehehe only if you stop calling me a kitty."

"No promises."

"Well...same here.."

We glare at each other.

"Anyways.. Karma,where exactly are we going?"

"Hm,oh yeah..are you up for some milkshake and manga?"

"Wait haha,you actually read manga?"


Beep beep~


Are you serious? Why does my phone hate me so much...

"Um im sorry Karma,I have to see the text.."

I smiled apologetically at him.

"Nah no worries.."

I take my phone out of my pocket skirt and...and I really wish I didn't..


Hey ^^ .Your probably surprised that you see a message from me hah,but..would you maybe please meet up with me now.There's something I'd like to talk with you about.Its important.

I was devistated! What am I suppose to do!I can't just meet up with a guy who hurt me a few weeks ago..
But..what could be important soo much..why does he wants to talk to

And..after all I can't go..I'm with Karma..

"(Y-n),is something wrong?"

"H-huh?oh n-no!I umm.......actually..."

I can't hide it from Karma..he is my friend..and its not like I have a choice...

"(Y-n) can tell me.."

I finally look at him with worry...

"Its Asano..."

I say his name in a sigh...

"What does that bastard want?"

In his eyes I could see anger..
I never saw him with that look until now,well since I transferred....... was actually scary...

"Ugh..K-karma its okey!Don't worry let's just umm...ugh he just..w-well..."

Suddenly he grabbed my phone out of my hand and it made me gasp..

"Karma!Please! Give it back!"

I stretch my hand to his trying to get hold of my phone but he was too tall..

"You can't."

He says quietly still looking at the text..


"You can't go to him.You promised you we're going to hang out with me.."

He handed me my phone while saying that...

"But Karma!"

"You can't.. Even if you want to I'm going to forcefully carry you around, whether you like it or not..."

Ok.That's it.

"Oh really,we'll see about that then."

I huff.
I turn around and start walking away.

I can't believe that guy!He's soo-

My thoughts we're cut when I felt a tug around my waist.I gasp in fear.
I didn't felt anything under my feet's..


My stomach was resting on his shoulder,him holding my legs,I couldn't see it since my head was on his back but I could feel it....

"What did I told you.Now,let's go for some milkshake....kitty.."


Hope you guys like it XP
And see you soon in my next chapter! :3
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