Man and Woman(Mr.Ambrose's POV) 1

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The cabin room was dark.

Eerily completely dark.

Not that i had ever minded darkness ,I had spent a good portion of my life dwelling in it , in the dark catacombs of Rome and the dust laden coal mines in America sweating in the blistering heat and choking on the foul smell. There was something to be said about darkness to the utter silence and the eerie doom which awaited people at the end. Darkness for some reason had been a comfort it had been a way to shut out the rest of the superfluous world and reside in complete silence and solitary.

In the darkness most people felt alone. Scared. Terrified even.

I didn't.

In the dark they saw monstrous entities and horrific scenes ..they grasped around for the slightest sliver of light .

I never did.

They all I would hazard a guess had never had the same epiphany.

Today was different. I had been successful in escaping Dalgliesh's lair unharmed,retrieving the file even fighting off the numerous hounds he had sent our way and somehow miraculously boarding Urania .

Yes,we for indeed i hadn't been alone. Oh no. Not all.

There was a certain fiery feminist tagging along with me with a reckless grin and a large behind and a tenacious overbearing persona. I squeezed my eyes shut .Thoughts of her made my brain hurt and my hands curl tightly together. Even more so after the recent.....happenings on the deck.

It! she's an it! don't let yourself go loose! Nothing happened on the deck! Nothing of consequence in the least!

Easier thought than put into action. I had marched from the deck straight to my cabin my heart for some reason was palpitating fast and my strides which had always been regular as a clockwork were uneven and unnaturally fast. This made no sense! I had wasted about 8.53 seconds out there on the deck holding a female's paws and that too a very tenacious and stubborn femme fatale with cross dressing tendencies and downright absurd political views! Women voting bah! Such a waste of precious time! For some reason now her insistent personality didn't seem as much of a bother as i had earlier assumed. Her insistence to accompany me .....proved her loyalty.


The word reminded me of darker days,of sleepless night, of deep hurts and terrible secrets and ...

I am wasting time.

Irrelevant. Definitely to be ignored.

Had i trusted people before?

I had.

Big mistake.

I would count the number of times someone whom i had trusted had let me down but it was pointless. I would rather spend the time counting my money. The only person i had allowed myself to trust was Karim..the big Mohammedan with the sabre whose glare enough would be enough to let army captains shiver in fear and slide to their knees. And somehow I had started....trusting her too.

The femme fatale with brown locks and a pair of fiery brown eyes.The ifrit as Karim so adequately put it with her fiery and annoying personality. She was one of those people who demanded attention , who demanded to be looked at and acknowledged. It was not her physical demeanour it was the fire in her that made her unavoidable. The fire in those simple brown eyes could never be neglected.She was something else. Ever since i had met her she had haunted my very being...

My little ifrit

It was her insistence and her tenacity to never leave my side that for some reason...made we want to keep her. To hold her close and take her with me even if it meant danger and death . It was this particular revelation that had made my hand snake towards her and in a particularly wasteful waste of time caress it. It was this trait of hers that for some reason kept me from letting her leave her job.

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