In the Dark

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So I was just trying to write a couple of poems today and all my thoughts led me to here it is :)

In the dark things happen

things I am afraid of

I deny and deny and wreak my own havoc

In the dark my world explodes

splitting into bright shards

overshadowing the coal of my heart

but never brighter than her glow

In the dark I'm not a man but a being

impotent in her arms

the fire of her wings keeps me afloat

the brush of her lips keeps me sane

and the strength of her soul keeps me afresh

In the dark I let my hands wonder and my heart open

basking in the warmth of her desire

my own libido unfurling and cushioning her frame

I'm wondering if its the dark that's making my body quiver

and my heart shake

but gazing in her brown eyes

I see my verdict.


I'll leave you to guess whose POV this is ;)
(and where this might have taken place)

Votes and comments are always appreciated :D (they do make my day seriously)

Thank you for reading :D


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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