The Wind of Death

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     "Twenty times the size of New York!" I exclaimed.
     "Yes sir!"
     I threw the papers on the ground and ran onto the balcony again, "Listen up again! We have gotten word that this storm will grow up to twenty times the size of New York, that means that we have to evacuate everyone east of Montana!"
     "How many feet will the ocean rise?"
     It will rise about ten feet now! So let's move it! Dan," I said.
     "Yes sir?"
     "Contact other weather stations and tell them to go on air to tell people about the storm and whet is coming! And Polly please help him with that," I said.
     Polly looked at me and nodded, she then ran over to Dan and they started to dial numbers for the weather stations. I ran into the radar room again and said, "Everyone in here please alert me as soon as you see anything occurring in the storm! And Greg, come with me, I have a job for you!"
     Greg got up and walked over to me, "Grab any able body men in here and bring them to my office."
     Greg said, "Yes sir," and he was on his way.
     I walked into my office and grabbed mud boots and five rain coats, I also grabbed five heavy duty flashlights. Just then Greg walked in with three men. "Okay," I said, "Ben, Walter, Greg, and Miller. I have a job for us, we are going to go down into the subway and evacuate everyone we can, then we will bring them to the airport to get away from this city. Put these on and meet me by the front doors!"
     A few minutes later the four men walked around a corner and to the front door of the station. "Alright, we are ready!"
     "Okay, the wind is already up to forty miles an hour so when we open the door we will be flung to the side, that is why I brought this cable, wee will attach it to one another, so in that if one of us gets blown off our feet, we will have a strong chance of all of us not getting blown away. So, are you guys ready to do this? Because ounce we are out there, there is no turning back."
     The men nodded and we opened the door slowly, the wind was so strong that it took all five of us to open it. When we got out we put on ski masks and goggles to cover our faces. Then we started to head south, toward the subway.
     When we got there the station had three inches of water and it was rising rapidly.
     "We don't have much time to do this, so we will have to work fast. Let's move!"
     We went down into the station and turned our flashlights on, it was dark, damp, and the only noise was that of the water coming down the stairs. We walked deeper into the subway and called out to see if anyone was there.
Just then there was a huge gust of wind that swirled through the subway and fragments of glass in the water flew up and then hit Walter in the chest, snapping the cable in the process.
     "Walter! Oh no, Walter," Ben screamed.
     We ran to his side, but it was too late, he was already dead. The glass stabbed him right through the heart, killing him immediately.
     "Oh god, ten minutes in and we have already lost someone," I said, we then said a small prayer and we kept moving, but there was no one in the subway except for us. So we walked out of the station and walked down the road in silence.

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