18. Time Is Of The Essence

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Mikado woke up shivering and basically frozen on the floor of his shower, the stream of water that had once been warm was ice cold and was numbing his sore body from last night's abuse.

His body was a mixture of red and blue as the redness of his rough scrubbing and the blue of his frozen skin overlapped. Mikado reached out and turned the shower off.

He could barely feel his body let alone gather the strength to move, so he laid there on the cold, wet tiles and looked at the ceiling.

He left so dirty.

Dirty like when Masaomi touched him, his body left cold and his heart heavy. So disgusting, how could he let this happen? How could he allow on of Izaya's murderers to kiss him of all things!?

Tears of guilt and shame gathered in the corner of his blue eyes. His body was dirty and cold and unlike all the times before, Izaya was not there to comfort Mikado with his love.

Mikado was completely alone. Alone, broken and freezing on the floor of his bathroom as he sobbed and repeated Izaya's name like a mantra that could protect him from all evil.

It took him another hour of sobbing and such to pick himself off the floor and stand up. He grabbed his towel and weakly dried himself before exiting the bathroom.

He noticed there was a cold breeze throughout the apartment and Mikado realised the front door wasn't completely closed, It was closed enough so it didn't swing open with the wind but nonetheless open.

Mikado quickly closed and locked it and looked over his apartment to see of anything had been stolen. Both computers and hard drives were still sitting on his desk and Mikado bit him lip before slowly approaching his wardrobe to check if the handgun was still in its hiding place, luckily for the teen it was still there and fully loaded.

Mikado let out a sigh of relief as he looked over the gun in his hand, "Just two more days before I can take him out. That horrible man who dared to stand by while Izaya was murdered, the man who had the guts to touch me, the lover of Izaya." Mikado said with a voice as sharp and cold as a icicle.

Mikado his the gun once more and took a moment to inhale the smell of Izaya's clothes. His eyes focused on the box which held his dead lover's things.

He pulled it out and grabbed the plastic bag that was on top, the bag that contained Izaya's sliver rings.

Mikado poured them into his hand and watched as they glinted in the soft sun poking through his curtains. Mikado kissed each one and held them to his heart.

I wonder if I still have that necklace my parents brought me a while ago. He thought before he started digging around his small apartment. After about of hour of searching he found the necklace, it was a leather necklace with a small charm they had brought when they went to Thailand.

He took off the cheap charm and slid Izaya's rings onto the necklace. They clinked together as he put the necklace on. "You'll be with me won't you?" He whispered and touched the rings.

The towel he had been wearing had slipped off his body some time ago so the teen slipped on some track pants and rolled out his futon. It was early morning, he could rest for a while, dream of Izaya until his reality woke him up and he had to out the second part of his plan into action.


When night came Mikado dressed himself in a waist length black wig and grey contacts, he was careful to dress in dark colors, a black dress with black tights, he wore a bra with small fake breasts so they wouldn't get in the way.

Mikado made his way through the streets searching and searching until he finally laid eyes on his target. Tanaka Tom was visiting one of his debtors, Mikado watched as the older man asked for the money more and more aggressively before the man finally handed over.

Mikado soon found that without Shizuo, Tom had a lot more trouble, the man wasn't really that imitating let alone strong. All the older man had was charisma and that didn't help him when it came to more aggressive and threatening people.

But he managed to collect most of the money through smooth talking and persuasion. Mikado followed Tom as he made his way back to his office with a briefcase full of money.

Mikado made sure to stay some distance away and stick to the shadows or to crowded areas as he followed the man. Once Tom disappeared into the shady looking business Mikado ducked into an alleyway where he could clearly see the buildings two exits.

A frustrating half an hour pasted before Tom remerged, he lit a smoke before heading down the street. Mikado followed silently, his sneakers not making even the slightest sound on the footpath below.

Mikado watched as Tom hummed happily as he walked a few blocks from where he worked before disappearing into an alleyway. Mikado bit his lip and carefully followed the older man who had not noticed him at all.

They weaved through a few different alleys before Tom approached a apartment complex, approximately ten or more storeys tall. It was hidden from all main streets, it was hidden behind other buildings and could only really be accessed by quiet alleyways.

Mikado smirked as he watched the man climb the staircases until he reached the third floor where he took out his keys and entered his apartment.

"Perfect. Seems like god is smile upon me this time." He said looking up at the closed door of Tom's apartment.

"Barely two days now Tanaka-san, tick tock." He smile venomously before turning away and disappearing onto the night.

For the next few days, Mikado would think up the perfect plan to take out Tom without getting caught.

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