4. Time For Truth.

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Mikado woke up early the next morning, Izaya was still sleeping soundly beside the teen having stayed the night before, he'd stayed up later than Mikado on his phone. It was half an hour before Mikado's alarm for school went off and he was glad he wouldn't have to worry about Masaomi being there but he did have to worry about Anri which he wasn't looking forward too.

How was he meant to explain this to her? 'I don't know what Masaomi told you but this all happened because he kept showing up to my house to have sex whenever he was upset and totally ruined our friendship and Izaya-san helped me get back on my feet and now we're basically dating!' Mikado covered his face with his hands, there was no way in the world he could say that sort of thing aloud. He could tell her he'd been sleeping with Masaomi tell alone tell her he's sleeping with Izaya, Anri hated the informant, she'd never accept this.

Mikado regrettably slid out from Izaya's arms wishing he could stay in them just like yesterday. He stood up wincing at the aching pain in his lower back and the stinging pain of his behind. Maybe not exactly like yesterday. He thought making his way to the bathroom to shower before school.

When Mikado returned to the main room Izaya was wide awake and playing around on his phone,

"Good morning." Mikado said reaching into his wardrobe for his school uniform; Izaya looked up looking him over as he stood in his underwear,

"Good morning~" Izaya purred before standing up and stretching, Mikado put on his uniform and smiled at the informant who approached him, "You woke up early." The informant said leaning down to give Mikado a quick kiss and the teen smiled,

"Yeah well, we did sleep a fair bit yesterday." He commented heading towards his kitchenette on the far side of the room wanting to make some toast. Mikado heard Izaya chuckled from behind him as he pulled on his own clothes,

"We got a lot of exercise yesterday too." He said playfully and Mikado turned around with a equally playfully frown,

"Really?" he said as if the events of yesterday were completely forgettable but they both knew they most definitely were not. Izaya chuckled once again wrapping his arms around Mikado's waist from behind, Mikado smiled as he dropped his two slices of bread into his toaster, the turned around so he was facing Izaya.

"Did you want something to eat?" he asked and Izaya smirked, leaning forward to nibble on his ear making Mikado turn a shade of pink.

"Lots of things but I'll settle for some leftover sushi." He said with a sly smirk but nonetheless let go of Mikado and wandered over to the small fridge, Mikado shook his head with a faint smile,

"You've been a lot more open since yesterday." He commented as his toast popped out fully cooked, Izaya had been very open about his desire and obvious affection towards Mikado, saying flirty things that almost seemed out of character for the informant.

"Why not? I mean you're mine now so I have nothing to hide." Izaya had honestly pulling the sushi from the fridge, "Why don't you like it?" Izaya smirked locking eyes with Mikado who blushed and looked back to his toast,

"It's not that I don't like it." Mikado said spreading a thin layer of jam over his toast, "it's just I've never seen you like this before."

"Not many people have." Izaya said simply and Mikado looked at him before turning back to his breakfast with a small smile. Ah, he's too much. I feel like my heart is going to explode. He thought feeling Izaya's stare on his back.

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