Time Measurement/Days

693 20 0

Astrosecond - 1 minute
Breem - 10 minutes
Groon - 30 minutes
Cycle - 1 hour
Joor - 7 hours
Megacycle - 1 day
Astrocycle - 10 days
Stellacycle - 1 year
Vorn - 80 years
Decavorn - 800 years
Hekavorn - 8,000 years
Kilovorn - 80,000 years

Ascension Day
Commemoration Day
Creation of Prima
Foundation Day
Liberation Day
Lighting of the Flame
New Vorn
Remembrance Day
Veterans' Day
Victory Day

This is just a rough guess and I'm going by Earth time simply because I suck at math and it'd be to difficult for me to remember.

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