Chapter 5 - Break Me, Shake Me

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Past Megatron Golden Age Pov/ surveillance footage being viewed:

He gowled. A young mech was bragging to his friends about how good a fighter he was and claiming that Low-cast were pathetic.

Disgusting. He hated High-cast. Just because he was a minor class did not mean that he was any less than somebody of this mech's status.

No matter who you are we are all equal. At least, that's how D-16 saw it.

The High-classed mech grabbed a young minor femme who slapped him. Big mistake. Worse still, it was D-16's carrier.

The mech then slammed her into a wall grabbed her by the throat and parted her legs so that he was in between them. D-16 was only 70 Stellacycles old but he was certainly going to try and help his carrier.

"Stop! Get away from my carrier." Everyone froze then all eyes were on him.

"D-16 stop. RUN! ...RUN AS FAR AS YOU CAN!" D-16's carrier looked at her youngling with terror.

"I'll protect you carrier." D-16 spoke confidently. He seemed so sure.

The mech and his friends just laughed. The mech then smirked as the youngling stood his ground. "Alright young one I'll leave her alone. Hahaha." The mech dropped his carrier who quickly stood up. Within seconds the mech transformed his servo into a blade and stabbed her in the spark. Her optic lights fluttered and then she was offline. D-16's optics went wide.

She was gone.


He was alone.


- Necrophilia
- Child/youngling rape

If you do not wish to read this then do mot hesitate to skip the rest of this chapter, go to the next one. Thank you.

The mechs friends walked over to his carrier one tore of her interface panel and slid his panel open. D-16 looked on with horror. The mech then inserted his erect spike into her valve.

D-16 turned and ran.

He didn't even take four steps before he was grabbed by the mech who killed his mother.

"Where do you think you're going to?" He sneered at the D-16. He then opened his own spike covering while holding D-16 down. D-16 realizing what was about to happen finally screamed. He was shoved into the cold mental ground and he immediately felt the mech grab his own interface covering. Instead of tearing it open he sliped his servo down to his aft. He ripped of his covering to his excriment hole. D-16 was now in a state of full panic. He tried thrashing around but the mech holding him was to large and strong.

"I'm going to enjoy slamimg my spike into your pretty little aft." The next thimg D-16 felt was agonising pain as the mech's spike was slammed into his aft.

D-16 screeched.

"Ratchet this is horrible, why would Megatron still have this old recording?" Arcee asked.

"Fragging weird if you ask me." Wheeljack said.

Ratchet spunk on Weeljack and hit him with his wrench. "Nobody asked what you thought. It must be the only recording of his Carrier. The mechs might still live and he wants vengeance. Could be a number of reasons why he keept the surveillance of his Carrier's death and his own rape. I just, we all judged him far to quickly. To quick to condemn him during the War. What else do we not know and who is Megatron really?"

Knockout had never felt more sorry for his old leader. He couldn't even imagine what Megatron had faced. He was glad that Ratchet trusted him and Wheeljack to bring them into this.

Knowkout spoke up at a new finding,"Ratchet, there are diary entries dating back to the supposed time we were under the Quentesson empire. Hot sure how such a think is possible. How has Megatron not rusted away is behind me. He takes no care of his own finish." Knockout leaned against his counter shuddering at the thought of being so old.

Ratchet perked up. "Really?!" He's that old! I can't believe it. I'm not even that ancient. All this time I thought I was older."

"Now what Doc?" Wheeljack asked bored out of his processor.

"We read and learn about WHO Megatron really is."

Arcee rewinded the footage back. Something about one of those mechs looked familiar. "PRUMUS!" Arcee was in shock. She knew the much who had committed the heinous crime against Megatron. HOW hadn't Megatron recognised him! She ran his voice print and got a match. She was right.

Ratchet and the other spun and faced Arcee. "What is is Arcee?"

Arcee was visibly shaking. "Look and tell me who that is. The voice print matches almost 90% Ratchet!"

Ratchet frowned. He and the others took a closer look.

"Well I'll be fragged by an insecticon, that's Ultra Magnus!" Wheeljack yelped. "I can't believe it. That high casted afthole is a murder and a rapist."

Ok hi everyone. I just wanted to let you know that if you are being abused or know or suspect somebody is being abused or has been raped please do not hesitate to speak up.

Please talk to somebody and get help. If you want to talk reach out to me and if not me please talk to someone.

You is kind, you is smart, you is important.

Never forget those words because no matter who you are, you matter.

Please don't hate on my for the Ultra Magnus change and drop. I'm working on a new angle here 😅

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