Chapter 7 - Second Chance

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"Grrr, SIRE, this is too hard." Orian Pax slapped her faceplate into her datapad in frustration. Trying to decode a level 64 encrypted file was impossible. At least that's how little Orian Pax saw it.

Alpha Trion just rolled his optics at his young charge. She was almost exactly like Optimus Prime before he became a Prime. The only differences was:

1. She was a femme not a carrier mech
2. She was stubborn.
3. She got exited over the simplest of things.

In this case she was being a stubborn glitch in his optics. She had Primes memories and the knowledge of the primes in her spark. For reasons unknown she couldn't access the memories or the knowledge of the primes only the knowledge of Optimus Prime and a few of his memories. Alpha Trion was thankfull that she didn't know who she was as of yet and assumed that The Prime's memories were dreams or nightmares depending how you looked at which memory she saw.

"Pax, slow down, stop and think. You already know this. Turn the datapad upside down and try again." Orian looked at her caretaker with a faceplate fullmof confusion. She did as he asked and within a moment she knew EXACTLY how to decode the file. She set to work. Wrote the code and heared a ping. She had done it. She had actually done it.

"Woohooo. Yes, can I pleaaaaaaase go now?!" Alpha Trion glared at her with an annoyed frown.

"Fine, fine get out of here then." He covered his optics with his servo and walked out of their quarters.

"YESSSS!!! Freedom at last." Orian laughed and ran out of their quarters dodging mechs and femmes in a desperate attempt at getting out of Iacon. She had almost completed her Data Clerk training amd would soon join the great Data Library. Until then she wanted to explore.

Ratchet was currently at Kaon glaring at Bulkhead who had managed to get a rod actually shoved up his aft.


"Arr, Ratchet, my aft." Bulhead lay in Ratchet's medical berth.

"Oh by the Allspark. How did you even get this up there?" Ratchet just stared ad Bulkhead's aft trying go figure out how to safety remove the rod.

"Hi Ratchet!" Orian Pax skipped into his med bay all smiles. Bulkhead turned and his jaw dropped.

"OPTIMUS?!" Orian looked at the big green bot confused. Ratchet glared at his old team mate grabbed the nearest wrench and hit Bulkhead on his helm. "Ow what was that for?"

"Bulkhead, shut up. Orian Pax, it's been awhile. How is my favourite femme?" Orian smiled down at the small mech.

"Hello old friend, yes I am well." Pax saw the rod up Bulkhead's aft and without thinking she just yanked on, it pulling it right out. The poor big bot screeched in agony then glitched. Orian only realised her mistake afterwards. "Um whoops."

Ratchet hit his face. "Orian be careful, I need Bulkhead!!!"

Orian giggled. "Hey Ratchet why did he call me Optimus?" Ratchet dropped the wrench.

"Oh well, you see, well. You look li..." Ratchet paused and grabbed a package from the shelf behind him. "...Oh right could please deliver this to a mech named D-16? He's suppose to be this insanely tall energon minor. He requested it and the delivery bots couldn't come today." Orian took the package and looked at the adress. She then looked back at Ratchet who had suddenly gone quite and was attending the fat green bot. She gave him an exasperated look.

"Sure, sure Ratchet. I'll see you later old friend." Ratchet sighed as he watched the young Pax leave his med bay. She was just so innocent just like how Orion was. It made Ratchet smile knowing that he hadn't lost Optimus. He looked back at Bulkhead. Now he just had to explain how Orian Pax was Optimus Prime reincarnated and it was suppose a secret but first he had to fix his aft.

Orian Pax skipped down the streets of Kaon following the address on the package. Oddly the address was at the old Kaon gladatorial ring. It was ginormous. Architectural wise it was stunning and beautifuly carved. As Orian walked the epty halls she saw the statue gallery that held the once great gladiators. There were many, many mechs and a few femmes. The last two statues where that of Soundwave and Megatron. She walked over to megatron's and smiled. He was incredibly handsome. She had never seen the mech before and he seemed so peaceful, well peaceful as a gladiator could look anyway.

She heard a noise and followed the sounds. The noise came from the arena itself. She walked into the arena. There was a large grey, silver and bronze mech at least two helms taller than she sparring with the hologram of Megatron. This mech was almost identical to the ex-Leader of the Decepticons and yet he seemed very different. It was obvious to Orian Pax that this mech had been a gladiator. She could tell as he moved with such grace and power. It was entrancing to behold.

The mech had spotted her and quickly banished Megatron's holoform. His swords retracting vanishing from sight. He tilted his helm and watched her. Orian's optics widened as she finally got a good view of his face plates. He was gorgeous even though his plates held scars. It gave him a rough bad boy look. His face was devoid of expression.

"Er hi? Ah are you D-16?" Orian couldn't help but squeak out. The mech chuckled.

"Indeed I am." His vocals were hard and yet came out smoothly with power.

"Ah well you... You requested medical supplies?" Orian held out the package.

"Ah yes. Thank you." D-16 walked over to her and gently removed the package from her servos. "You would be...?"

"Oh right, my designation is Orian. I'm not a delivery bot and they couldn't pick up the package today so the medic asked if I could delver it." Orian Pax wanted to hit herself. She alwasy rambled on when nervous.

"Hmm. Well I thank you for bringing me the medical supplies." He smirked at her.

She grinned. Her comlink beeped in her audio. She placed her hand to it. "Hello?"

Pax you've got to see this. Your totally missing out on the gladiatorial match!

Orian rolled her optics "We've been through this already Steelhelm. The gladiators of today are terrible compared to the golden age. Theses are just a bunch of younglings play fighting."

Pft get out of here!

"No seriously, haven't you seen the match were Soundwave was against four mechs. This wasn't pretty and glamorous like they make it now. It was hard core."


"Mock the gladiators of old all you like, they were true warriors and knew what honor was."


"Wise aft." Orian shut her comlink down. She shook her helm. Steelhelm was rather daft and had a habit of easily being led astray by the most ridiculous things.

She looked back up and saw that D-16 was walking away. "Bye!" She saw him turn and she smiled and waved at him before leaving the Colosseum.

What she didn't see was the soft smile grace his normally cold hard face plates.

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