Chapter 9 - Payback is a bitch - Part II

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AN: Ha! Finally I have brought this quite long chapter for you all. I hope you like this edited unedited and hopefully much better version. So Enjoy :)


~Payback is a bitch - Part II~

I hugged my body as the cold morning breeze hit me, while passing through a noiseless street. I memorized the route again in my mind and just to confirm that I wasn't lost, I checked my location on the phone through GPS. It showed I was at Tite Street, which meant I was going in the right direction.

I paced up a little. I needed to go as far as a human walking-speed allowed. I didn't want to come across Trystan, not yet.

Thanks to Kreptha that I got some knowledge about this place and its streets. She was a great help. I didn't find it much difficult to interact with her. While leaving my house, I gave Mrs. Evans an excuse of completing some formalities with the help of my friend, who was going to pick me up. It was not entirely a lie. I needed my friend's help and she was going to pick me up, hopefully. Mrs. Evans bought my half-truth easily. The best part was Trystan didn't see me while leaving, which meant my field was clear. I was pretty damn sure he would consider me as a coward for running away, exactly what I needed.

A shiver ran down my spine when I was hit by another blow of wind, causing hair on the exposed parts of my body stand.

Guess what? Wearing shorts was not a good idea!

I had chosen a denim shorts to wear with a coffer crochet-vest over a plain white tank top. Yeah! I agree it was a bit hot choice, but I had my reasons.

There was a cold, desolated air running in the streets. The closely-shut buildings seemed eager to be swarmed with life and bustle. Streets had just begun to present the signs of life. Even now as my shadow shortened with the rising sun, while I passed through Smith Terrace-- lined with mid and late Victorian houses-- their owners or servants lazily opened the street-door to take in the milk.

I reached at the end of Smith Street and rounded a corner. It wasn't until I reached at a coffee shop 'Café Au Lait', I stopped walking and blew out breathe.

I checked the time. These heebie-jeebies had brought me five minutes earlier than decided. Steadying my breath, I looked around and then checked GPS. I remembered this road. I had come from airport that day with Mrs. Evans through this same route.

The appearance of King's Road presented right now looked strikingly different from that in evening or to that what it would look after one hour. The sun darted his bright rays cheerfully down the still half-empty streets. Some shops were closed, while some were completely open. The apprentices and shop-men were busily engaged in cleaning and decking the window for the day.

I checked the time again. Six minutes passed, while I engrossed myself in admiring the scene of the street change, gazing at the 'Paulo' or 'Nimrod' or some other fast coach, till it was out of sight, but there was no sign of Jennet yet. My limbs had gone numb due to long walk and to add in more I had been standing for what felt like eternity, waiting, and my fingers crossed.

I waited.

And waited.

Okay, wait near the 'Café Au Lait'. I'll be right there at 7.30 :)

I read Jennet's text message on my phone for the tenth time within last eight minutes, peering around anxiously. She said she would come, or that was what her message implied, didn't it? She agreed right away without asking any questions, but then why didn't she come yet?

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