Chapter 1 - Finding the Queen

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Dedicated to Inverno for the awesome cover :) Thanks!

06/16 Reminder: This shiz is so fetus, okay? But I hope you can still bare :D Enjoy!


Do you wanna build a snowmaaann?

"Or smash our faces with snowbaaaalls? C'mon and play with me! I'm here, you see. Before this yellow leaves will faaaaall! C'mon it's cold, It's winter. It's not so long. And Autumn will be passing byyyyy! 'Wait what? ... Autumn?'"

Anna waited for an Answer but no one did. She took a deep breath and frowned. She turned her back at the door and began to walk. But before she could even do, the woman of winter and hot chocolate, the queen in crystal blue with the blonde crown of glory, barged out of the royal doors, as she extended her long arms and wrapped her dear sister in them, bringing her close to her chest.

"I would Like to build a snowmaaaan..." The strawberry- brunette gasped as she turned her head and grinned, eyeing the queen. "Elsa! I kneww you can't resist building a- wait, you're singing that?" Elsa smiled sheepishly and shrugged, tucking strands of her wavy hair behind her ear. "Er... If you don't mind?" Anna giggled and shook her head vigorously. "Of course not! C'mon!" With a tug on her arm, she dragged her out of her ice castle.


Blue glowing eyes, appeared by the shadows, eyeing suspeciously at a scenery and his pale lips parted, puffing mists of cold air as he panted heavily with all that flying, searching for a place to forget the miseries and ignoring the dipressions. He tried escaping his responsibilities just for one day. That's all he could ask for. Tired of not being seen, tired of giving frostbites just to be noticed, and tired of giving the children the benefits of having fun under the falling snow if he, himself isn't really having a blast like the other kids does.


.A sexy smirk crossed his pale face, his eyes glued on his sigh. Cheers and fun under the snow. He happen to likes them. He'd felt pleasure and ease by heart, seeing people having fun with his creation. He would feel as if he was special and has a purpose in the world, though by the mere fact that no one can see him. Tragic, but it's the reality. Truth hurts, as they say.

"What the frost?" His glowing eyes widened as it dropped down to see a snowman. An extra-ordinary snowman. "How did that...? How is it.. walking?!" He quickly looked at his slim fingers, down to his cold palm as if he was thinking if he was the one who made that and if how the heck did he.

"That's something you don't see everyday now, right?" He asked the humming bird, sitting by his shoulder. It just nodded and turned back at the snowman. "Wanna check it out?" He asked, grinning and the bird flew around him, excitedly in reply. He nodded once. "Good." Jack flew as Baby tooth followed his trail, but flew faster and reached the walking snowman first. It quickly spot the fast-flying humming bird and gasped with a wide grin in it's snowy- face. "Oh, hi there little birdy! He greeted, turning his whole splitted body as he follow the bird's movement. Jack chuckled and went behind the walking snowman. He sneaked up and poked it as his finger digged down through pure snow. Olaf made a little jumped and faced him.

"Hello?" He suspeciously greeted like 'what the hell is this stranger doing poking me around just like that?!' The mysterious slim boy's eyes blinked about three times in disbelief. -In two ways, perhaps.

1.) Holy Frost! It's literally talking and moving just like that!

2.) This creepy thing sees me?!

He grinned, showing him his pearly-white teeth. "Hi" He greeted back, still in awe. "You can- probably see me, right?" The snowman fixed his carrot-nose and turned back at him. "Of course, silly! I'm Olaf! You must be...?" He leaned in, waiting for an answe but a blue icy-weaved-like cloth was dragged against his face. "Hey, hey!" He shooed the cloth away. Jack's gaze went to it, his eyes trailing up to find where it came from.

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