The Court

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Once again not a chapter!! Sorry!!!! This is how the people on the 'Dark' side rank. If not named or if you have questions feel free to message me!!

King- Voldemort/ Tom M. Riddle Jr.
Queen- Bellatrix Riddle née Black

Dukes/Duchesses(Inner Court);
James Potter
Lily Potter née Evans
Severus Potter-Snape née Prince
Harry Potter

Sirius Black
Remus Black née Lupin

Lords/Ladies(Inner-Mid Court);
All Malfoys- Inner Court
Lucius Malfoy
Frenrir Malfoy née Greyback
Draco Malfoy

Blaise Zabini(Mid Court)

Pansy Parkinson(Mid Court)

Knights(Inner-Mid Court);
All Lestranges- Inner Court Rabastan Lestrange
Rodolphus Lestrange

William Weasley(Mid Court)
Charlie Weasley(Mid Court)
Fred Weasley(Inner Court)
George Weasley(Inner Court)

Squires(Mid- Outer Court);
Minerva McGonagall(Mid Court)

Pomona Sprout(Mid Court)

Filius Flitwick(Mid Court)

Poppy Pomphrey(Mid Court)

Rubeus Hagrid(Outer Court)
All Grduated Students- (Outer Court)
100% Graduated Slytherins
80% Graduated Ravenclaws
40% Graduated Hufflepuffs
2% Graduated Gryffindors
Pages(Outer Court);
100% Current Slytherin Students
70% Current Ravenclaw Students
35% Current Hufflepuff Students
5% Current Gryffindor Students

(Will be expanded upon later in Book)

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