Chapter 6

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Aubree's POV
I woke up, and got ready. I decided to be lazy today. I threw on some clothes.

 I threw on some clothes

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Then I did my hair.

I did light makeup

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I did light makeup. I put on lashes, concealer, highlighter, and lip gloss.

 I put on lashes, concealer, highlighter, and lip gloss

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Once I finished getting ready, I grabbed my backpack. I grabbed my phone, and earphones. I walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, and started eating breakfast with the boys. Niall made bacon, and eggs. "Zayn, did you wanna go get a tattoo and piercing after school today?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm still only getting a tattoo, you are NOT convincing me to get a piercing." He said. "Oh come on, just one! Please!" I yelled. "No." He said. "Please!" I said. "No." He said. I kept begging. "Fine.. maybe." He said. "Okay you guys, we have to get to school." Liam said. We all nodded, and got into the car. We got to school, and walked inside. I walked to my class.

I walked out of class, and walked to my locker. Everyone was staring at me. They were all holding papers, looking at me and whispering. Aria ran up to me. "Heather and Dylan spread so many rumors about you, about ur date last night, about everything!" Aria said. "What are they saying?" I asked. "They're saying you're a whore, that Tyler told them stuff you told them about when you were dating. Heather said that she dared Tyler to ask you out, that Tyler said a lot of stuff about your date, that he said he actually hated dating you. Apparently he called u ugly, fat, and said u have lots of diseases. He that you just wanted attention, and stuff like that." Aria said, she handed me two papers. I looked at it, and it had a paragraph about everything. Iwas beyond mad. I fast walked to the lunch area. I saw Tyler laughing, and sitting with his friends. I walked up to him, and slapped him straight across the face. "What the fuck?" He said. "Whats this?" I asked. I threw one of the papers at him. "What did I do?!" He yelled. "I didn't-" He started, but I cut him off. "You know what, stop. I don't wanna hear it. If you wanna apologize or make up excuses, fuck you and your apologies. I was ready to give you another chance. I thought maybe, just maybe, this wont be a fucken waste of time. My mistake though. If you actually did mean what you said yesterday, then clear this shit up. Until then, don't come near me." I said. "Aubrey I-" He said. "No just- don't. Fix this. I can't hear you out right now." I said. I turned around, and walked off. I felt how hot my face was. The boys saw me and walked up to me. Zayn ran up to me, and wrapped me in his arms. "Baby girl, what's wrong?" He asked. I handed him the paper. "I can't believe this shit. I'm a fucken idiot." I said. "No you're not love, calm down and go get your lunch okay." Zayn said. Zayn and I were walking, when Heather tripped me. "Oops! The slut slipped!" She said, and started laughing. I got up. I slapped her straight across the face too. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" She yelled. "Fuck you. Stop fucking with me." I spat. She got up, and shoved me. I shoved her back. She slapped me. I saw red. I grabbed her by the hair, and threw her on the ground. I started socking her, but security came and grabbed us off of each other. She lashed out, and socked me in the face. I got out of the securities grip, and got her by the hair and socked her really hard in the face. I kicked her, but then the security grabbed us again.  They took us to the principles office. "Now, why are you girls fighting?" He asked. "She started it!" Heather said. "I did not, you can even ask my friend. He was right there, she tripped me and called me a slut. So, I slapped her. I told her to stop spreading rumors about me which she's been doing since I got here, and she pushed me and I pushed back so we started fighting." I said. He took a look at the security cameras. "I don't even know why I'm here, because as you can see she started it." I said. "You're right mrs.jackson, you may go." The principle said. I nodded, and walked out of the office. I got my pass, and went to my class. I walked in, and the teacher wasn't there because she was outside on the phone. Niall was saving my seat. I smiled. Everyone started throwing paper at me. "Skank!" One guy yelled. "Slut got heather in trouble!" A girl yelled. "You're crazy!" Another girl said. "Niall, why are you friends with her? Shes a skank!" Two people asked. "She's not a skank, leave her alone!" Niall said. "She should just kill herself." another girl said. "Don't say that, she has mental issues she might go psycho on you!" A guy said. I got up and ran out of there. I walked to the house. I walked inside. I closed the door, and broke down crying. I opened my twitter on my phone, and saw everyone saying "you should die" and "go kill yourself". They're saying that I'm a whore, a bunch of stupid shit like that. I grabbed my back pack, and took all my clothes off. I cut my thighs, and my wrists. Then I rinsed them off, and grabbed my bottle of xans, which were for my anxiety. The boys are on their way they just texted me. I threw on a hoodie, and sweatpants. I walked into my room with the Xanax in my hand. I locked the door. I wrote an individual note to each of the boys. Zayn first.
hey Zayn, I just wanted you to know that I will love you forever and always. You're my bestfriend, I couldn't ask for a better one. Please don't stop singing, don't change anything about you because ur perfect just the way you are. I love you so much. I know you're probably gonna forget me but I still love you, and don't worry you won't miss me. Good bye Zayn
hey nialler, I wanted you to know that I love you so fucken much. I know you didn't mean to cheat, and I forgive you. I still love you and I always will no matter what. You will always be in my heart, you changed my whole life around. I could never repay you for all the happiness you brought me. Ps. I might've taken you back at some point in my life. I love you nialler. Please stay strong, and even though you'll forget me, just remember I love you forever and always.
Good bye nialler
Then Harry.
hey hazz, you were one of my bestfriends, and I love you for that. Please don't ever stop singing, ur voice is made by the gods. Then again, so were you. You are so precious, don't forget that. You are the kindest, most understanding, most loveable, and most sweetest person I've ever met. Don't ever change no matter what anyone says. Even though you'll forget me just remember, I love you frog boy.
Good bye hazz
Then Louis.
hey loubear. You are the funniest, and most wild out of everyone. That makes you so special. You always smile. You find any way possible to make someone laugh, even when they're sad, don't loose that. The boys will need it most after I'm gone, so please cheer them up if they feel bad. Even thought you're gonna forget me, remember I will always love you.
Good bye loubear
Then Liam.
hey lili. You're my daddy direction forever and always. I love you. Please stay strong, and keep everyone held together. Keep being the boss of the house, and make sure u stay strong too. Make sure the boys behave themselves, and don't get into trouble. Most of all, please look after Niall for me. Please. You're the best Liam, I love you.
Goodbye lima
Now last, but not least. My mom.
mom. Don't blame this on yourself. This was not your fault. I should've asked for help. I've been struggling with my mind for the longest time. I was never okay. Ive been fighting a battle, and i lost. I lost the girl I used to be. I lost myself, i lost everything. And that was my fault. You were the best mother I could ever ask for. You were there during the hardest times, this time I kept things to myself. You were already struggling, you didn't need my problems on you as well. There's so many things to say, but not enough paper to write on. I love you. I love you with every ounce of love in my body. I'm sorry I wasn't strong. Please stay strong, for me. I'll finally be happy. I love you.
Good bye mom
I was sobbing. I left the letters on my pillow. I opened the Xanax. I downed 8 pills, then I downed 6 more. I laid on the bed, and felt myself slowly drifting off to death. I felt the bottle fall out of my hand. For once, I could breathe. I felt happy with myself. It was peaceful, not scary. It was relaxing. Then everything turned black.

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