Chapter 2: Who Are You?

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I sit down on the couch in my living room with my laptop on my lap and as I waited for it to turn on, I wondered what I was going to do. But once I was logged into my user I didn't have to think long about what I was going to do, because something weird happened next. Without me doing anything, a chatroom thing popped up saying that I created a private chatroom called, 'Chatroom of DOOM.' "What the? Chatroom of DOOM? did this get here? I don't recall ever downloading a chatroom program thingy...How did it get on here? " I then noticed that there are already three people on which only made me even more confused as I try to figure out how there were already people on it when I don't even recall making it. So without knowing what was going on with this thing and letting my curiosity get the better of me, I logged in.


FariyFlare logged on

GhostBoy: -looks at the floating screen in confusion- Um, who is that?

Chaos: -looks at the username- I have no clue.

Fryer-Tuck: -looks at the username- I have no idea dude.

GhostBoy: What if this is the person that trapped us here.



I stare at the screen in confusion and started laughing at what someone said. Why did they think I trapped them in there? How are they trapped in there? Why does one think I want to make a technology hating copy of him? That was just too funny, why do these names sound familiar?


FariyFlare: Um, hi?

Fryer-Tuck: IT'S TALKS!

FariyFlare: ?

Chaos: -turns to Fryer-Tuck- Tucker! Have you forgotten that this is a chatroom? He or she can see what we are saying!

Fryer-Tuck: -laughs nervously- Maybe...

GhostBoy: Come on! Even I remembered that!

FariyFlare: I'm not sure how to respond to that...

Chaos: Don't worry about it, they always like this.

GhostBoy: HEY!

Fryer-Tuck: HEY!

FariyFlare: OK...

GhostBoy: That's it, I'm getting out of here! -runs at one of the wall at a very high speed, but once he rams into it, it acts like a balloon causing him to sink into it for a moment then sent him flying backwards at almost the same speed he ran into it hitting the wall on the other side and fell to the ground face first-

Chaos: -cringes- Ooooooooooo... That got to hurt.

GhostBoy: -gets up and shakes himself off as if it was nothing- What is that stuff made out of? It felt a bit like jello.

FariyFlare: I'm not sure if you are acting or not, but are you ok?

GhostBoy: I'm fine, I've been through mutch worse. -gain a look of confusion- And what do you mean by acting?

Chatroom of DOOMWhere stories live. Discover now