Second Wedding Part 5

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Bear POV 

The reception followed immediately after the ceremony. The guests had settled in their assigned seats and the DJ had announced the couple. They were having their first dance as we watched them beaming with happiness. I remember my wedding to Anastasia as if it was yesterday. She will always be the love of my life. Charlotte stood next to me as we watched Lacy and Noah. She took my hand and squeezed it. The dance ended and everyone erupted in cheers. "Can I talk to you in private?" I turned and looked into her big eyes. I nodded my head and followed her around the large pillar. We hid from the rest of party and she leaned on the pillar as I looked down at her. She pulled a folded piece of paper out of her bra and handed it to me. "What is this?" "I went to the hospital and the local court house yesterday. At the hospital, they took a DNA sample of the baby and these are the results. I haven't read them yet. Then I filed for divorce because I know that you don't love me anymore." I held both pieaces of papers in my hands. She put her hand on the side of my face and leaned up to kiss me. I kissed back for a moment but I remembered what I held in my hand. "You can read it as you will. All you have to do is sign the papers and the divorce process can get started. I hope you make the right choice for you." She walked away and joined the rest of the party. People were dancing and having a good time. I put the divorce papers in my pocket and looked at the single sheet of paper. I unfolded the white official paper and my entire future was about to change.

Lacy POV

I had snuck away with my husband. We were making out against a tree as we saw the party going on in the distance. "We need to get back to our guests." He chuckled against my skin. "They can wait a little longer." I giggled at him and we continued.


Everyone that I loved was within reach. We were all healthy and expecting new editions to the family in the next few months. Billy and I were slow dancing underneath the twinkling lights. We had moved away from the crowd to have some peace from the day. "I'm glad that are children are finally happy." My husband kissed the top of my head as it was connected to his chest. I could hear his heart beating. "More." "More, baby." We continued to dance until he stops and pulled away from me. "What's wrong?" He grabbed the pole that was standing next to him to prevent him from falling. "Billy!" He was having one of his seizures as I tried to help him from falling to the ground. "Can you see me? Can you hear me?" He went down to his knees and I helped him lay on his back. He was trying to stay conscious as I held his hand. His eyes went back into his head as I continued to yell his name. "Can we have some help over here!" People were crowding around as I moved to hold his head instead. Bam was the first to appear as I stopped him from coming any closer. "We can't move him during the seizure." All my children stood around me as we waited for it to end. The thrashing stopped as we all stood still. "Did anyone call for help?" My question was answered as I heard the sirens in the distance. The rest of the time was a blur as they carried Billy away. Gabe and Bear held on to me as Bam went with his father.

Matt POV

I watched as Amelia was asleep in her bed. The hospital was quiet and eerie after visiting hours had stopped for the day. I normally liked quiet but there was a soft hum of the machines that she was connected to. The door to her room creaked open and I saw Ma. "Hey. Is everything okay?" "It's your father. She had another one of his spells during the reception." I walked across the room and took her in a hug. She was trying to be strong for all of us but I knew she was scared that she could possibly lose her husband. "You can let go mom." "No, I can't yet." She pulled away from me and looked me over. She rubbed my arms and then looked over at Amelia. "I'm glad that you have found someone to spend the rest of your life with. I don't know what will happen to me if I lose your father." She walked out of the room and I was left alone with my wife. She was asleep and I decided that I better do the same. I turned off the lights as I settled down in the recliner and closed my eyes.

Charlotte POV

We were all seating in the waiting room as we impatiently waited for an update on Billy. We were all still in our wedding attire when I noticed that Bear was pacing the floor. I got up from my chair and walked over to him. I rubbed his arm and kissed his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He nodded his head and turned to face me. "I read the DNA results and I have made my decision." "Can you tell me?" "I want to tell you but not here." He took my hand and dragged me away. "Slow down." He opened a door that lead to a staircase that went to the top level. We started going up to the seventh floor. He busted through the door on the level and I noticed that it was empty. "They are remodeling each floor one at a time. This one is complete but it doesn't open for another week." I followed him until he opened a door that looked like a normal room. "How did you know about this?" "I heard the nurses talking and this floor is for families that have patients in the hospital." I walked closer to the bed when I heard the door close. I turned to face him and we were eye to eye. He leaned in closer and I broke the silence with a whisper. "What did the results say?" "He is going to be just like me. I hope you can handle two of us." He leaned down to kiss me hard and passionate. He picked me up and laid me down on the bed. "I don't want you to ever think that I didn't love you. I may have been mad at you but that doesn't mean that I stopped loving you. You and our children are the most important people in my life. I love you so much." I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. "I love you too." I kissed him again as he unzipped my dress.

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