Meeting Zayn

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It really sucks.Oh,you must be confused.Well,my mum made me move from my beloved hometown,Bradford,to a stupid town in California.I don't really know what it's called.I didn't pay attention when my mum yapped about our big move.Apparently,it was "a window of opportunities".To me,it was just a bunch of bullcrap.

Moving to the US is the worst thing that could have ever happened to me.All the people here are idiotic and annoying.I miss the UK already and I've only been away for 2 hours.This plane seat is so uncomfortable I could just kill myself.My life sucks right now.

Ok,so I finally got off that bloody plane.We are on our way to our new house.My mom is telling about how I am gonna have to go to an American public school.

"Yay!"I retorted sarcastically.My mum sighed."Zayn,could you at least give it a try.Imagine it as an adventure!You could make lots of good friends and even meet a girl!"My mom said,attempting to cheer me up and winking at the end.I rolled my eyes and frowned.

"Yea,well,I had a girl back home,but we left,so..."I snapped.I had a girlfriend in Bradford.Her name was Molly.She is 16.I am 17,now.We had plans to go to the same college when we graduated.But,I moved.I tried to explain to her that we could maintain a long-distance relationship.But,she screamed and cried,saying that she didn't trust me enough.It broke my heart.She broke up with me.I am still trying to get her to trust me.

"I am sorry..."My mum whispered with a hurt look on her face.My heart softened and filled with guilt.I sighed."Look,I am sorry for snapping at you,it's just that this move is kinda hard on me."I apologize.

"Son,this move is hard on me,too.I have to find a new job and find you a new school.Not to mention,I am gonna be spending this next week setting up the house."My mum said,tired.

It took us about an hour to get to our new house.When we pulled up,I gasped."Woah!"I whisper,shocked.The house was huge.It had three floors.My mum smiled."You like?"She asked me,enthusiastically."Yes!"I say,still gaping at the house."The top floor is your room!It is a huge attic!You will love it,I'm sure!"She said,excited.

After I explored the house,unpacked some,and ate a dinner of microwaved pizza rolls,I decided to turn in for the night.

"Good night,mum!"I say,hugging her.She says good night and hugs me back.

When I woke up in the morning,I was restless.I quickly took a shower,threw on some jeans and a band tee,and spiked my hair.I slipped on my converse and ate a poptart on the way out the door.I drove my black Range Rover(yea,I am spoiled)to school.I got out and decided to sit at a table where there wasn't many people around.After awkwardly sitting for 10 minutes.I seen two girls walking over to me.There was one with long,curly brown hair and pale skin.She was fairly tall and was laughing loudly.The other one was much shorter.But,she was simply...gorgeous.She had short,brown hair and golden brown eyes.Looking into her eyes was as if you were looking at a great big ball of fun and sunshine.Her smile and laugh could light up the whole world.

My heart started to pound and my palms got all sweaty.What am I feeling?I shook away my nervousness and confidently smiled at her.She smiled and walked over and sat by me.


The boy seemed to get all nervous as we were walking.He started checking me and Bri out.He smiled at me as I sat beside him.I shot him a smile back."Sup newbie!Whats your name?"I asked him,confidently.

"Oh,Im Zayn!And you are?"He asked me,with just as much confidence."Lucy!And this is Bri,my retarded friend!"I say,winking at Bri.She shoots me a pouty face and I giggle.Zayn chuckles."Whats so funny,Mr.FancyPants?"I tease him."Well,for starters,you are quite weird.And you are the only girl I know who can pull of short hair.Oh,and these are not fancy pants!"He says,trying hard not to laugh.I mimic his accent."I know I'm weird.But,weird is good!And I know right!"I say in a British accent,while fluffing my hair.

"So,Zayn,can I see your schedule?"I ask him,holding out my hand.He hands it to me and I scan it.I smirk when I realize that we have the same schedule."Pip pip cheerio!Now,I can tease you all day!"I say in a British accent again.He rolls his eyes playfully and sarcastically says,"Yay!"

I scoff and say,"What?Think you can't handle all this sexiness?"I wink and walk away,swaying my hips.

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