The New Boy

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(A/N:This chapter is the day before she left town with Zayn.Btw,the main character's name is Lucy.So,yep!Be excited and read on!XD)


"Get your sleepy butt up!"I heard a female voice yell.I simply decided to ignore it and turn over and envelope myself further into the silk that is my blankets.

"Lucy Riley Jannett,get up NOW!"The voice commanded with a little more force.I grunted and pried my crusty,sleep-filled eyes open.After taking at least 3 minutes to wake up and drag myself out of bed,I manage to make my way to the bathroom.

I take a 5 minute shower,brush my teeth,and rummage through my closet for an outfit.I settle on a black crop top that says,"You Mad Bro?",a red plaid button-up to go over,a pair of ripped-up denim shorts,and my black converse.

I yanked a black beanie over my crazy short hair.I applied a bit of mascara and eyeliner to top off the look and made my way downstairs for breakfast.

As usual,my father was buried deep into his work binder while sitting at the counter,sipping a cup of plain coffee.My little brother,Drake,was sitting at the table tapping away at his PSP,probably trying to beat another level of Kingdom of Hearts.

"Nerd."I said to him,rolling my eyes."Hey,that's not true!I just need to beat this level,so I can get the new and improved upgrade for my sword.I started snickering under my breath."Exactly."I say,shaking my head.Of course,he ignored me,focusing on his nerd contraption.

My mom was standing at the stove,stirring up one of her delicious concoctions.She is an amazing cook.I always love her home-cooked breakfast.After watching her stir for like 5 minutes,she finally hands me,Drake,and my father a plate.

I smile when I see a pile of waffles,eggs,and bacon on my plate.My favorite."Mmm!"I mumble."It's so good,Mom!Thanks!"

I take 2 minutes to scarf down my food.Drake takes forever unfortunately and sadly,I have to wait for him.I have to walk him to the bus stop every morning because my parents think he is too young.

I am 18 and Drake is 13,so I don't really see how he is too young,but whatever.I don't argue.

"Hurry up,dorkwad!"I whine,watching him slowly stuff his food in his mouth.

"I will leave without you."I warn him.He just ignores me.I growl and roll my eyes.

I look out the window when I hear the screeching sound of brakes.It was the bus!

"Hurry up!The bus is here!"I yell.Drake grabbed his PSP and we ran out the door and onto the bus.

I looked around and found a seat next to my best friend,Bri.

"Crap!"I cursed under my breath."What's wrong this time?"Bri asked me,crossing her arms.

"I left my backpack at home."I whine."So what!?"She asked,trying to get on my nerves.

"My homework is in there!"I say,annoyed.She chuckles."Doofus!"She snorts.

I roll my eyes."Oh,shut up!"I say,playfully slapping her arm.

Once we pulled up to the school,me and Bri walked straight to our table outside.Before the bell rings,we sit at a table outside and hang out.

No one else sits at our table because they know our group occupies it.But,this time,instead of seeing it occupied by Lilly and Jack,someone else was sitting there.

I didn't recognize him,so I assumed he was new.Me and Bri walked over to approach him.I was nervous as heck.

(HAHA!CLIFFHANGER!Love yall!I will update ASAP!Peace out my baes!Smoochies!)

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