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Okay, okay, I know what you all are thinking. And believe me, I know...

I know that I am a horrible person. I am a horrible person for sleeping with someone who never meant anything to me. I am a horrible person for giving hopes to someone who I know I will never picture the two of us together.

I am a horrible person for so many reasons, I tell you that.

All of you can hate me, but I regret nothing about it. You'll understand about it in a few chapters.

But after that incident with Kevin, we barely spoke. It was because I turned him down, which I deeply regreted few months afterwards.

Anyways, here is the story...

So, I guess in every highschool there is always a Golden Boy, right?

The guy with perfect grades, perfect look, perfect personality, and perfect reputation.

Well... that my friends is Theodore Hannigan.

The golden boy of Chasity Highschool.

Or so I thought...

But! Lets not get caught up in the gossip again people. Here is what happened for those of you who are living and breathing gossip.

I hope you are sitting somewhere comfortable, if you aren't, then have a sit because this is going to take a while. While you're at it, grab yourself some food, preferably popcorn.

Okay, you're done? Then lets get to it, sit back, eat some popcorn and relax because dear Maisy is gonna tell you a little story.

Once upon a time... well more like a few weeks ago to be precsised. I was at the top of my spanish class, the best in Chasity High actually.

I was cruising the halls with one of my close friends Elodie, talking about the latest freeform show.

While we were at the hallway, we bumped into the golden boy himself, Theo Hannigan.

He was flashing us those dazzling pearly white teeth that you only thought you could see in commercials.

They say that when you are at the receiving end of the Theo H. smile, you are a lucky, lucky person. For one, you are lucky because Theo took a few seconds of his precious time to smile at you. Two, he actually put it upon himself to acknowledge your existence and three, he momentarily glanced at your direction, something most girls would die for.

Personally for me, I never drooled or fangirled over the Theo H. smile, for me its just a plain old boring friendly smile. The kind of smile that doesn't make the person look like a creep. The smile that gives of that friendly vibe but not in a stalker way.

Anywho, if you people ever met someone like Theo, well then I will send you all my prayers because you are going to need alot of restraint to not kill someone like Theodore Hannigan, that conniving little fudger.

So, Elodie and I bumped into Theo at the halls, and being the klutz I am, almost got slapped by the marbled floors.

But, everyone's knight in shinning armor came to the rescue and held me before I even get bitch slapped by the very unhygeinic floors of what we so called school. The school is just wasting precious money on the staffs that doesn't even bother to do their jobs.

Theo pulled me up in a gentle way and my face collided with his chest. I'm not saying I'm short, its just that Theo is really tall. My 5'8 form is no match for his 6'4.

Being Maisy CarsonWhere stories live. Discover now