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My lovely, lovely brother Sam Carson.

I know it might be mortifying to get an email like this but I gotta leave you a message of some sort.

You know me being a meanie sometimes is actually me showing might deep affection towards you, right? Your big sis is sometimes dumb like that.

Yes we bicker alot of times but what kid of sibbling haven't? We had our ups and downs buy we managed to forgive one another and that's what's important.

I just want to say that I love you so much you have no idea how big my love for you is. Sometimes you would do some weird, badas sh*t but I'd forgive you anyways because you're my brother and because it's probably part of your teenage behavior aswell and since I'm a great sister I understand that.

Pshhh, teenagers these days.

Your going to be a freshman next year and I want you to know about all those things you believe from your so called older friends.

First impression isn't everything- I mean it is to some but that doesn't mean you have to follow that rule aswell. You can change who you are but not one of those dumb jocks who bully people. Oh god font be like those people or else I'm going to freaking haunt you down.

I'm sure you will meet a nice girl in the future who will treat you good and make you laugh and be this really amazing inspirational part of your life and will make you forget all your fears and worries. If you find a girl like that, please, don't let her go. You only get one in a million of those.

I have someone like that. But your stubborn sister here is too dumb and clueless to actually see the obvious until it's too late. It's too late for me to do anything Sammy, too late for regrets.

Take care of mom and dad for me yeah?

Do what they tell you, don't disobey them, always tell them you love them and do them proud.

I know after this things will never be the same for them but I want you to be there for them. Cheer them up and let them remember that they still have this amazing son that would do them proud in the future.

Make sure I'm a beautiful reminder to everyone. Something like, when they hear the name Maisy Carson they'd remember the good memories of me and smile about it.

I don't want them to cry and be all sad at my funeral. I want everyone to be happy, let them think they are sending away an angel to be with God up there..... but all know that's not true right.

No person who commits suicide goes to heaven. They, along with me will go down to hell and probably regret what they did...


Don't rush into being an adult. Enjoy your youth, have fun but not too much fun. Live tour life to the fullest, be good to others, help them out and for the love of god, do not bully anyone.

I love you!

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