If you get low or average marks in exams or mid terms and you're bloody petrified that you'll get an ear full from your parents, get grounded,have your phone taken away or worse,give them 'fake' exams.
What dafuq are you talking about R.D?
Make your own fake exam.Write out some random questions and answers on the subject you have,and have a friend 'correct' them in red ink.After give it to your parents with a low mark(lower than you usually get)They'll be pissed at your 'apparent' mark as it'll 'count' for report.
When you get the real mid term and get your normal average mark your they'll have this 'image' of you getting better regardless you didn't drop nor exceed your average.
A Weirdo's guide to outsmarting Parents
HumorI'm gonna share my secrets with you guys. NO PARENTS/BUZZKILLS ALLOWED