Chapter 16

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Kabir's POV
As soon as we reached there
We started searching for Amaya
'Amaya' Ayaan yelled
She came from the kitchen looking all messed up
Her eyes were red
Maybe due to crying
She looked calm
'How did you find me?' She asked
Then she looked at me
'So you brought them here..why?
No words were coming out of my mouth
'We care for you Amu scared us' Samaira said
I was just looking at her
She hugged Samaira
'I just needed some space that's all' she said
A part of me felt guilty
I wanted to apologise
When Ayaan spoke 'let's stay here tonight its already late '
We all agreed
'We will make food you guys arrange the table ' Samaira said
Me and Ayaan went to arrange the table
The girls prepared the food while we had done our work
When the girls came back with the dishes
I saw Amaya's finger was cut
I pulled her aside much to her annoyance I guess
Amaya's POV
He pulled me aside
I tried protesting but he had a firm grip on my hand and i didn't want to create a scene
He pulled to the kitchen
'Give me your hand'
He said
But I ignored him
He hurt me
Because of him I accidentally cut my finger while chopping
Well I was thinking about him
He snatched my hand when I didn't respond
I made a face but he ignored it
He pulled out a bandage
I looked at his face
How can i be mad at him when he is so handsome
Wait a minute did I just say that he was handsome
Have I started liking him ?
'Well duh' said my conscience
Great .
I didn't realise I was staring at him until he tucked my hair behind my hear
My cheeks started to heat up
He realised the awkwardness
And cleared his throat
'Umm..its done'
We both were staring at each other until we heard someone laughing at us
Well my dear brother and friend what a great timing
He looked away  and muttered 'great timing
If I wasn't standing so close to him I possibly wouldn't have heard
Well what he said was the same thing i thought
'Quit staring both of you'
Ayaan said
We both started to blush
'come on the food will get cold' i said and ran out of the kitchen

Finally Amaya likes him..yay!
I know this is a short update
But next time i will upload two chapters together
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