Chapter 20

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Amaya's POV
As promised Samaira arrived within 10 minutes with ice cream
As soon as she entered my room
I chuckled
'Take a breath first '
I joked
But she gave me a glare and a shut my mouth
'Well I am in sort of in love with Kabir '
She looked stunned
her mouth kept opening and closing as if she wanted to say something
'Oh My gosh ...'
And here it comes
'Aaahhhh '
She screamed
I had to put my hand on her mouth to shut her before Ayaan or my parents woke up
'You are in love with Kabir ...I can't believe it '
' and what about you '
'What about me'
She asked as if defending herself
'You are really acting weird ..I know there is something going on between my brother and you spill it'
' well we kind of dated 2 months back'
She said sheepishly
I screamed
Well you know friendship kind of has an effect
'Hush..I know I am sorry but he wanted to keep a secret ..and we have broken up within 3 days '
What had happened
I felt guilty that I had been caught up with my life not to see my best friend and brother suffering
'It's not my day today ..tell me '
I just told her what had happened in the past few weeks
She looked at me as if thinking what to say
'I suggest that you make him jealous '
'This is not a movie Samaira '
'I know but'
'You and your filmy ways '
She smiled
'So what now'
I told her my idea about joining with Saurav
She seemed to agree with it
Next day
I went to Saurav
'Hey '
'Hi Amaya '
'Actually I might need you help '
'Ya tell me '
'I love Kabir'
I told him
He smirked
'I knew it'
'Ha ha can we come to the point '
'Ya sorry'
'Help me plan a date for him '
'Why me'
'Because you are his childhood friend and know him more than me'
'Hmm could do'
'Meet me at the main park sharp 6:30 pm I will bring him at 7 and push him if he says no'
'You will know just do it ok?'
'Ok ..I really appreciate your help '
'I am only doing this for him he deserves to be happy '
He smiled
I smiled and gave him a small hug
(Forward to 6:30pm )
I reached at the park
Saurav had decorated a small corner
It looked really good
He came there
'Look I have made all arrangements have fun '
He went away to get Kabir
When Kabir came I was pacing around
I stopped when I looked at him and smiled
And to say I was nervous
I said
While that idiot looked confused
'What is all this'
He asked
'A date'
I said or more like asked
'Because I ...'
Kabir's POV
'Because what Amaya '
To say I was scared of what she might answer
I didn't want that
I didn't want to hurt her
And I didn't want t o real her heart
' because I love you'
There she said it
The word I hated
The word which could hurt her
The word that would ruin mine and hers friendship
I had to stay away from her
'Amaya I don't'
I saw her face fall
I couldn't help it
Thought I had started falling for her
She asked in a croaked voice
'Because you are not my type'
She chuckled
'I don't believe you'
I looked at her in disbelief
She came close to me
'Amaya '
I warned her
She didn't listen
'Tell me about your past now '
She ordered in such a voice that if the situation was not serious I would have laughed
What is Kabir's past ?
What will Amaya do ?
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