You're with who?!

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"Who is the Stellar Princess going out with?"
Natsu's phone begins to blow up with messages.
My phone rings and Levy, Erza and Juvia call me.
Natsu answers a call from Gray.
"Dude what the fuck?! I just saw you on tv next to Lucy fucking Heartfilia!!" Gray shouts.
"Gray calm down..."
"Does Lucy heart know about this?" We hear yelling and I assume Erza took the phone away from Gray. "Natsu Dragneel! If you broke Lucy's heart and left her to go date a model I will end your life!" She yells at him. The phone isn't even on speaker...

"We were just hanging out about to watch a movie and call you and Lucy to come over to join us and the next thing I know is that you're all over the news and social media as Heartfilia's boyfriend!!" Levy yells.

Natsu puts the phone on speaker and puts it down on the table, "Erza, Levy calm down it's fine." I say.

"Lucy! Did he hurt you? Do I need to Kill him?"  I sweat drop and sigh. "It's fine don't worry."

"Bunny Girl, Natsu is in the Heartfilia mansion right?" Gajeel asks. "Yeah." I answer. "And you're right next to him?" Jellal asks. "Yes she is." Says Natsu. "How did you get inside?" Levy ask in a curious tone.

"Umm... well you see... I..." before I can finish my mother rushes downstairs "Natsu I'm so glad you're here."

"Who's that?" Juvia asks.

"Oh are those your friends Lucy, why don't you invite them over, they'll have to find out eventually so why not now?" I sigh and look down. "Fine, where are you guys right now?" I ask.

"In Gray's house..." Natsu writes down Gray's address down and hands it to me.

"Capricorn could you go to this address and pick up my friends up." I hand Capricorn the address and he smiles. "Sure thing Ms. Lucy." I say thanks and he makes his way out through the back.

"Lucy, WHAT IS GOING ON?" they ask.

"You'll find out in a minute."

Levy's Pov.

"What the?! He hung up!!" Gray yells.

We have no idea what is happening. Natsu was holding Lucy Heartfilia's hand and going inside her house! Lucy didn't seem bothered by it one bit.

Gray and Gajeel begin to fight, "He's cheating on Bunny girl!"

"No, he's being an idiot!"

"That's the same thing! You don't know what's going on stripper." Earlier Gray told us that Natsu went to talk to him because he got jealous over some guy walking Lucy home.

There is a knock on the door, Erza goes to open the door and outside stands a tall guy with a black suit on and sunglasses. "I'm here to pick up Ms. Lucy's friends." We all look at each other. "Where?" Erza asks. "She said I wasn't allowed to tell you. If you could please follow me." He leads us towards a black limo, he opens the door and motions us in. We get in and look around in awe.

We arrive at the Heartfilia mansion; we get inside through the back door so that we don't appear on the news like Natsu. We are led inside to the living room. Natsu stands there with Layla Heartfilia and Sting Eucliffe. "Hey guys."

"Natsu what is going on?"

"Hey guys!" We look towards the stairs and see Lucy coming down.

"Lucy what is going on?"

Lucy's Pov.

I make my way downstairs; I see everyone in the living room. "Hey guys!"

"Lucy what's going on?"

"Lucy Heartfilia! What did I tell you about wearing that wig in our home!" I hear my mom yell at me. I sigh and ignore it. "What?" Jellal asks. "Oh come on Lucy... they need to know." I shake my head and sit down next to Natsu. "No..."

"Lucy?" Levy asks. "Is the Stellar Princess here?" Natsu nods and smiles. "Do you think I could maybe get her autograph?" he looks at me and smirks. "I don't know Lucy? Can she get an autograph?"

"Okay fine!" I say frustrated, I take off the wig and I sit there in silence I take my glasses off and throw them at Natsu. "Oi don't be so violent!" Natsu says.

"L-Lucy!?" I get up and sigh. "Where?"

"Where what?" Erza asks.  I go towards Levy and take out a sharpie from my purse. "Where do you want the autograph?" Levy just stares at me wide eyed. "I'm Lucy Heartfilia's best friend?" she yells.

I laugh at her reaction and nod.

"So Natsu is dating a supermodel?" Gray asks. Natsu nods and smiles. "Yeah, I'm dating Lucy Heartfilia!"

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