Chapter One

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"Kim get up family meeting!" mum shouted from downstairs funny how she says "family" meeting when Hyes there, Hye is the worse person living on this planet AKA my mums boyfriend oh sorry I mean "Husband to be " , anyway I decide to get up.

As I get down the stairs I meet mums eye sight but its not her usual "I know what you've done" look not even the "your in Serious trouble" look but she seems pleased with herself... too pleased with herself which scares me, I absolutely hate it when they look all smug like.

"Hurry up Kaylee" , Kaylee is my step sister she is only 3 and I feel very sorry for her to have  a dad like Hye that's for sure, " thought you said this was a family meeting" I gurned but mum just ignore it and told me to sit down "ok so Kim Kaylee listen" mum said "what is it get on with it" "I'm pregnant" mum said while holding hands with Hye "what! how could you do this we have no room already as It is with Hye here" I shout "Well Kim there will be plenty of room when you go to college ?" mum argued back "so you decide for me now how do you know if I want to go to college or not" Hye took Kaylee out of the room "look Kim your 17 nearly 18 its time for you to go to college" "you just want me out of the way of you and your new family with hye" I say hurtfully "you know what good I don't want to be here anyway I hate hye and I hate this family of yours" I shouted as I ran back to my room slamming the door.

I hate them all I keep on repeating in my head as I search up for a college far away from here, *BUZZ* I look at my phone its Choi Ji , Choi Ji is one of my closest friends she always know how to cheer me up but sadly she lives 5 hours away, I open my phone and go on messenger, *Hey urgh College time help I don't even know where to start missing you*~Choi Ji  *tell me about it my mum is making me move out so my only choice is college urgh and missing you too ttyl*~Kim Joon  anyway better get back too looking.

After about 6 hours looking I finally found a college called MHI in Seoul that's about 4 hours away from here thank god right lets do this.


God is that my alarm already damn how long did I sleep I thought as I tried to open my eyes I get up and head to my laptop and check if the college had replied to my interview papers, *Hello, Thank you for choosing MHI as your college choice we are happy to say welcome to MHI, your Interview papers have been accepted, you start your first year on 2nd of June you will be given a dorm number when you arrive leaflets will be handed out when you arrive, congrats your sincerely, Mrs Hun-Jon*

"OMG YES I MADE IT I DID IT " I screamed wait thee 2nd of June is only 2 weeks away and we should be there early crap I better book a flight to Seoul CRAP I'd better get packing.

Thanks for reading and I'm sososososo sorry it took me a while ive been superrrrrr busy but thank you hope to see you in the next chapter xoxo


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