Trip To Seoul

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Why do I have so many clothes oml *Knock knock* "come in" I  say "Only me" mum says as she walks in "I cant believe you've found somewhere so fast" mum says looking surprised " yes mum I know I can't believe your dumb daughter got a place in college" "Kim cmon this is meant to be a happy time" mum said trying to be excited for me but I know shes just happy that I'll be out of her hair for when the baby comes "Anyway mum can you leave me I need to pack" I awkwardly say "ok well remember you have your flight tomorrow get a early night" mum said trying to care " yeah whatever night" I hint her to get out so she does and shut the door behind her. Finally peace and quiet for me to pack as I pack I put some BTS on before I know it I'm dancing all over my bedroom I hate this place but I am going to miss it anyway after about 2 hours of dancing to BTS I decide I'd better get packing.

Finally finished packing Its about 12:00am but oh well I'll sleep on the flight but I fall asleep without even relicensing.


Crap I'd better get up todays the big day! I grab a black top and some skinny ripped jeans and my black cap and I shove some makeup on and grab my bags to take downstairs.

When I got downstairs Mum Kaylee and Hye was standing in the kitchen making some breakfast "I made your favourite, Pancakes with blueberries" mum said looking proud but actually I hate her Blueberry pancakes its Kaylee who loves them but I didn't want to burst her bubble so I just thanked her and tried to eat them, "thank you for the lovely breakfast mum" I say "Its ok Sweetie" mum said... did she just call me "Sweetie" shes not called me that since dad left and that was 5 years ago...

*Beep* that'll be the taxi for the airport "well I guess that's for me then" i say also very awkwardly all of a sudden my leg is being hugged by Kaylee damn I really thought Kaylee hated me I giggle "I'll walk you out" Mum said "bye bye" Kaylee cutely said while she was still hugging my leg Hye lifted her up " goodbye Kim have a good time yeah?" Hye told me "yeah sure will bye".

Mum walked me all the way to the taxi door with all my bags in the boot mum hugged me tight " you'll come back and visit when the baby is born won't you?" mum asked "yeah of course I will mum " mum hugged me again "you'll be ok right" she asked sounding worried "mum I'll be fine ok I've got to go or my plane will leave without me bye mum" I say trying to be caring "ok ok ok goodluck bye sweetie" she says starting to back away to the door once again with the "sweetie" I get into the taxi I look back to the front door and see Mum, Hye and Kaylee waving goodbye finally I'm free.

I got to the airport just in time to grab a coffee before the flight I found the plane I was meant to be on and sat in the chairs waiting to board it, as I waited and waited I got bored so I decided  I'd go get another coffee I was so early when I got back to the seats I seen a girl sitting i swear to god I recognized her hold on no way it's Choi Ji, "CHOI" I shouted she looked up "KIM" we ran up and hugged each other tight "what are you doing here" I asked her (still hugging) " I got into a college in Seoul why are you here tho" she asked me back (again still looking like two idiots hugging) "same" I said "Wait" we both said "MHI" we both said and we started to jump up and down "NO WAY"I screamed "YES WAY" she screamed back we hugged again OMG I couldn't believe it me and my best friend was going to college together and that college wasn't just anywhere it was in Seoul.

The plane was finally ready to board and me and Choi ran on together and guess what we were sitting beside each other it was a dream come true.

*Next Stop Seoul City*

Sorry this wasn't a very good chapter but I didn't want to leave it out sorry guys but the next one will be sososososo much better thanks so much for reading see you in the next chapter xoxo



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