Unpredictable ~ Chapter 6.

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-Y/N's POV-
So, don't test Guren. I learnt that the hard way.

The punishment I recieved- no human deserves to be treated that way.

25 laps.

That my friends is cruelty at it's finest.

Of course I tried just sitting down and flat out refusing to run, but that was kind of hard to do when a huge-ass katana was being waved at you every time you slacked.

A few attempts to run away were made, however Guren was way faster than I was.

So here, I was lying on the cool, grass, while putting my left over energy into coming up with vicious insults and savage ways to kill Guren.

I felt the sunlight, which accompanied the satisfying, gentle wind disappear and then I was left with just cool air.

"Tsk." I tutted not bothering to open my eyes,

"I went easy on you, when I was younger and training my punishments weren't as luxurious as this." He chuckled,

"Luxurious? Fuck outta here." I let out a bitter chuckle at the absurd thought of that run being 'luxurious',

"Seriously!" He nodded,

"Luxurious my ass, when the threat of being dismembered is only a few jogs away."

"Try it again next time, except you have the threat of Siberian tigers tearing you to shreds."

"You're kidding." My eyes shot open wide and I found him staring down at me with a smug smirk,




"I don't believe you."

"Then don't believe me."

"Ah, I'm going home." I said getting up and walking away from the training field.

"Aw, you don't want to stay with me, Y/N?~" Guren cooed in false sadness.

"Get bent." I shot at him, but he just chuckled.


I quickly made my way to the front entrance and stepped outside to walk to my beloved apartment.

The walk was nice and helped me recover from the torture I underwent not long ago.

I looked up to see the trashed buildings but despite the not so satisfying look, the sky made up for it. A beautiful mix of vivid pinks, yellows and blues filled the sky, painting a beautiful watercolour styled art.

I was too fixed on the sky to pay attention to the rest of my surrounding and before I knew it, I was being yanked into an alleyway, and a hand was being slapped over my mouth to muffle the screech that escaped my lips.

I struggled with the stranger, aggressively jerking my body in a desperate struggle to get away from their grip, I gathered up the strength to harshly elbow them in the gutt.

The stranger let out a low grunt and loosened his grip around me, so I pushed him away, however he was too quick as well as strong. He grabbed my wrist in a vice like grip and slammed me against the brick wall causing me to cry out in pain, tears stinging my eyes.

Unpredictable. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 1. [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now