Notice ~ 22/04/2020

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A/N: Hey cuties, it's been a while hasn't it?

So I don't really check statistics/rankings of my book very often, but I've decided to check the ones for Unpredictable and I am SHOOK.

This is probably late but I'm very pleased to announce that as of 22/04/2020, unpredictable has achieved the following rankings:

#1 - OwariNoSeraph
#1 - GurenIchinose
#1 - Ichinose
#1 - JIDA
#2 - SeraphOfTheEnd

This is such a HUGE achievement to me and I truly owe it to you guys who've supported me and encouraged me as well as inspired me to continue writing. I'm so lucky and grateful to have a group of readers who have supported me this much, with votes and even just enjoying my books in general, it means so much to me and I just want to say thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I love you guys so much, thank you for baring with me and understanding that this journey can be tough at times too, please continue to stay safe during this time specifically, with the ongoing pandemic and even after this for the many years to come.

I'd also just like to say that to anyone who may have lost a loved one or are struggling through this very hard time, just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and I wish you nothing but the best. Please remember that any fears during this time are valid and I even understand how some of you may be feeling right now but always try and look up to a positive future!

I think I rambled but I'm so happy right now and want nothing but the best for everyone. This notice will be published on both books.

Once again thank you so much and I love you all.

Alicia <3

Unpredictable. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 1. [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now