Chapter 3

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(Melanie's outfit for school)
Today is Wednesday wich is the third day of school, it was now lunch time, and I was sitting with Sarah and my other close friend Grayson.
"Guys what do you think about going to the beach this Saturday?" said Grayson.
"Hell yes!" Said Sarah enthusiastically.
Grayson and I chuckled at her excitement.
"What about you? " asked me Grayson.
"I'm in" I replied.
"In for what"asked someone from behind me. I turned around and saw Eth-freaking-an , gosh why does he always have to appear out of nowhere?!
"We were talking about going to the beach , wanna go?" Asked Grayson since Ethan since he was his best friend.
"Sure, why not?" Said Ethan smirking at me , clearly enjoying my annoyance .
Then he sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"What the hell Ethan ?! Get your arm off me!" I tried to remove his arm but damn it was too heavy.
"Nah thanks, I think I'm comfortable like that" .
I groaned and moved to another seat , but guess what? He freaking followed me and put his arm around my shoulder again! Ughhhh!!
I was about to shout at him again but I was interrupted by Jack , my crush since seventh grade, he's just so handsome and sweet and-
I was interrupted again when he spoke "Hey Melanie" he said shooting me his billion dollars smile.
Ohh god I think I''m gonna faint ohh god oh god oh god keep your cool Melanie keep your cool.
"Hey" I replied with a shy smile.
"So, I was wondering if you're free on
friday night?"
"Umm yeah I am"
"Would like to go to the movies with me ?"
"Sure why not"I replied trying not to squeal.
"Alight I'll see you then" he said with a smile, and then he left .
Ohh my goshhh am I dreaming or something? Ohh god I'm so freaking happy and excited about this date!!
Sarah and I began to squeal and jump in our seats like mad women. Suddenly, I noticed Ethan getting out of his seat, his face red from anger... damn what is this about?

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