Chapter Three: Leave My Bed Out Of This

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"Yesss!" they said in unison.

You would think a couple of people in their mid twenties would have the ability to talk some sense into a grown ass adult, but no, as of now, I had two assholes pushing and pulling me into a car and I was just about ready to scream bloody murder.

"I don't wanna go. I can't go. You can't make me," I hissed. I slapped Liv's forehead and pinched Danny's' nipple and at the first chance of escape, I made a run for it.

No sooner was I pummeled to the floor with an out of breath Danny on top of me. "You know how out of shape I am, you idiot. Look, now you scared the poor old lady and she dropped her furry raccoon purse".

I slowly looked up finding two furry blue slippers and cat stockings. Raising my head up, a funky looking old lady was staring down with an unamused expression. "You shouldn't even have that purse anyway! How would you like it if they skinned you for plea.."

"June!" Liv came up running and put her hand over my mouth while helping Danny lift me up. "That's no way to speak to an elderly lady, now say you're sorry", she prodded.

"To hell I am", I huffed and crossed my arms. "To think he died for your luxuries", I stormed off hoping they would take the distraction as I walked the opposition direction.

"Nu uh, you ain't goin no where, Amigo", and with no warning I was upside down with the sidewalk passing under me. "We are going to the park, you are going to look at the water and trees, and you are going to blow off some anger one way or another or so help me...", he groaned and with a huff he pushed me into the car and before I could even try to reach for the handle we were already driving.

"I'm a grown adult and I can make my own decisions" I stated, staring Liv down through the windshield mirror. "Can't you guys put on a movie about the park. It's the same thing. Shoot, Ill even dress up in work out clothes if it makes you feel any better", I looked down at my hands that were in the sun as we drove. "What if I get skin cancer?!" I suddenly blurted out.

Danny slowly turned back to look at me, deeply concerned but also not surprised. "You...we...", he stuttered for a moment, trying to look for the right words. "Everything is going to be fine and we're going to find you some inspiration."

The drive to the park was about 35 minutes, and I watched the highway pass underneath us with buildings and trees that loomed over. San Diego. I had a love-hate relationship with my hometown. It had changed so much from when I was a kid thanks to investors and elite taking over. Sighing, I remembered everything I had tried to accomplish here, an overwhelming feeling of complete failure began to settle in again.

Danny seemed to catch on to my sudden silence. "Amigo, you know that we don't expect you to go back to doing what you were doing. You fought a good fight. just need to move on", he turned back around, "sometimes we need to let things go to find greater things. If something in particular doesn't turn out how you wanted it, then oh well. That's life. We're most likely living in the end of the world." He looked back to me with a small smile, although not reaching his eyes, "I, personally, want to live whatever time we seem to have happy and satisfied doing whatever I can to give myself some purpose".

Although he had a point, in my mind there was just something that wouldn't let me off. I couldn't explain the feeling of...fear? Kind of like a pirate pushing you to the edge of a plank, but, you aren't afraid of water, but you are afraid of what's underneath. You aren't afraid of the pirate, but you're afraid of the sword. Does that make sense? No? Figured.  

As we arrived, I realized where we were. 

"Hey! This is not the damn park", I hissed. I was fuming. "You lied and now prepare to feel my wrath!" 

"It's not so bad. We'll take it easy. We'll get an ice cream cone or like a waffle or something." Liv pleaded. She really did care but there were way too many people here and it was just too much. 

"June, it's Seaport Village. We've come here millions of times. You know your way around. The water and shops will soothe you." I looked at Danny incredulously, like he was talking but nothing made sense. 

"Okay". I murmured, surprisingly calm. "Okay. Just let me out, I need some air."

They both looked at me with suspicious eyes for a good 10 seconds and slowly got out of the car. 

"If you make a run for it, we're hiding your bed", Danny challenged. 

"Why you!" oh hell no. "You leave my bed out of this!". 

He put his hands up in surrender and opened my door. He grabbed me by the crook of my arm and we slowly made our way through the small walk bridge that led us onto a deck that surrounded the first small store that had beach themed tourist merchandise. 

"I need to use the bathroom". 

They paused in their steps and glanced at each other. 

"Don't eye speak in my presence I know what you guys are saying, you yaks". Who did they think they were. Was I a prisoner now? Was I being held against my will? "Please, I need to you the restroom".

"Fine, but we'll be right here. Waiting." Did I ever mention Liv was scary when she was serious. Her pale blue eyes reminded me of a night walker and sometimes when she spoke in a serious tone I'd think of punching her in the throat before she had the chance of turning me into one as well. 

We walked to a side bathroom behind a book store that was littered with toilet paper. Didn't matter, I didn't need to use the bathroom anyway. Inspecting the area around I looked for a place to hide or run. Outside I heard commotion and peered through some shutters that gave a small view outside to where they were standing. 

"Watch where you're going you spilled my lemonade on me!" Some old posh dude was wiping his stained corduroy vest while giving Danny and Liv the bird.

"Hey, we were standing here. Go take your fancy shoes else where old man. Before I show you my fancy moves!"

Oh oh. Angry Danny is not a nice Danny. It didn't help that Liv only encouraged it with her own choice of words. But wait...this is my chance.

While they had their backs to the bathroom door, I stayed close the wall, felt the edge of the corner of the building, and as I turned into it, I slipped into the next open door. It was a tribal jewelry store. I said my hushed hellos to the vendor lady and ran straight through the door and man, did I make a run for it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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