
375 9 4


Words: 813
Genre: Fluff
Summary: dan sees a pet store and convinces phil to let him go see the puppies
Warnings: cg/l (little/short! dan x daddy/taller! phil)

- Third Person POV -

Two boys walk through a mall, stopping at a few different stores along the way, buying clothes and the occasional collectible or stuffed animal. Phil held hands with the smaller boy beside him, admiring his shiny, glittery nails, holding a few bags in his other hand. He admired his adorable boyfriend, loving how tiny he looked in is oversized pastel pink sweater and pale blue jean dungarees. Atop the brunette's head sat a brand new flower crown, one that Phil had just purchased for him, made up of tiny purple flowers. As the dark haired male was smiling at his boyfriend, he saw brown eyes light up in excitement.

"Phil! Look!" Dan pointed towards a small nearby shop, a pet store.

In the window of the store was a glass bin full of puppies that were rolling around and playing with the few different toys that were inside the bin with them. Dan thought they were absolutely adorable, and Phil? Phil thought Dan's excited expression was absolutely adorable.

"Can we go see them? Please, please, please!" The pastel boy tugged on Phil's arm, showing off his best puppy-dog eyes, the ones he knew no-one could resist.

"Fine, just because you're so cute," Phil smiled, kissing the smaller boy's forehead.


Dan dragged Phil by the sleeve over to the shop. A bell dinged as they moved through the door and were greeted by girl with braided hair and an apron draped over her chest. Phil smiled as his boyfriend ran over to the bin of puppies and immediately began to coo at them. The brunette ran his finger's over their fur, giggling as a puppy licked his cheek.

"Philly, look how cute he is!" Phil always though Dan's giggle was angelic.

Dan's attention was specifically on this puppy, the one with floppy brown ears, white fur, and brown and black spots. It was a dachshund and it was slowly winning Dan's heart. The puppy jumped up and licked at the brunette's rosy cheeks. Giggling, the pastel boy played tug-of-war with the puppy and one of it's toys.

"Phil, he's so adorable! Can we keep him?" Hopeful brown eyes looked to the darker haired male.

"Dan," Phil sighed in consideration, watching his boyfriend push out his bottom lip.

"Please, Daddy?" Dan whispered.

Phil just couldn't resist with Dan giving him those warm brown puppy-dog eyes and pouty lip, "You have to promise you'll help take care of him..."

Gasping, Dan jumped to his feet and hugged his boyfriend, "I will, I promise! Thank you, Philly!"

"Anything for you, princess," Phil smiled before Dan kissed his cheek and skipped back over to the puppy.

Phil walked over to the woman who had greeted them, getting some advice for things he should buy. He and Dan picked out a pale pink leash, a matching collar with a little bow on it, and other necessities for the puppy. They payed for everything and adopted the puppy. With a quick smile to the lady that had helped them, they walked out of the shop, Dan holding a puppy he didn't expect to be leaving with.

"What are you gonna name him, love?" Phil asked, smiling at his boyfriend.


"I think that's perfect."

Dan smiled pridefully.


Seated on the floor of their apartment living room, Dan introduced all his stuffies to Dandelion, "And this is Ellie. Philly got me her at the carnival on our first date."

A blue elephant stuffed animal was held up, Dan petting the puppy in his lap as he spoke. Phil smiled from the doorway, the brunette just could not be any cuter.

"She's my favorite," Dan whispered with a giggle, still holding the elephant.

"Bed soon, princess," Phil reminded, smiling. "Do you want to cuddle for a bit and watch Cinderella?"

The brunette smiled a toothy grin, nodding as he picked up Dandelion and Ellie. He sat on the couch, Dandelion curled up in his lap, and made grabby hands at the dark haired man. With a light chuckle, Phil sat down beside his boyfriend, wrapping one arm around the brunette and petting the puppy after he turned on the movie.

"Thank you, Daddy. I had a lot of fun today," Dan smiled, leaning up to kiss Phil's cheek.

"Anything for you, love."

"I love you."

"I love you, too, princess," Phil kissed the smaller's head as they began to watch the movie.



(a/n): phan fluff makes me heart smile. i literally don't know what i was doing, i just wrote random stuff, the name of the puppy was random but i think it's cute. oh well, hope someone enjoyed.

- J

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