chapter ➃

37 4 6

C H A P T E R ➃

   After a long, hard practice, the cool air inside the castle was welcome to Artemis. She headed speedily toward the Great Hall, where she had decided to spend time during her free period.

   The room was fairly empty; there were only a few other students there reading books, playing wizard chess, or otherwise catching up on their studies. Artemis slid onto one of the Slytherin benches alone and pulled out Quidditch Through the Ages. She had already read the book about six times, but there was no other reading material she enjoyed.

   Once she began skimming the list of professional Quidditch teams, two other people slid into place on either side of her. Artemis had a guess as to who it was before she even looked up from the book.

   "Hello, Fred. Hello, George," she said drily and without sincerity, closing the book and looking at each of them in turn.

   "Hello, Artemis, my dear," George said. "How are you doing this fine afternoon?"

   She shrugged. "Pretty well, I guess. Just finished up some Quidditch practice."

   Fred rested his chin in his hand. "Hmm. And, speaking of are things between you and Oliver?"

   "I don't know what you mean," Artemis replied slowly, glaring at him. "We're friends, that's all."

   "Yes, but you obviously want to be more than friends," Fred pressed on. "Why else would you kiss him?"

   Artemis set the book down and laid her head on top of her folded arms. "Okay, so maybe I do want to be more than friends. Maybe I kissed him because I was hoping he might...kiss me back sometime." She said the last bit into her arms instead of to the twins, but they still picked up on it.

   "Ah," George said, nodding. He and his twin grinned. "And just how long has this been going on?"

   "Um...maybe ever since I got to know him a little bit."

   The twins nodded understandingly. "And...what exactly do you like about him?"

   "Okay, what's with all the questions?" Artemis inquired, raising her head back up again. "This really isn't anyone's business except mine. And maybe Oliver's. At some point."

   "We're asking because Wood's our captain, and we want to make sure that you take care of him. Now, what do you like about him?"

   "Um..." It wasn't hard for Artemis to come up with reasons, but it was hard for her to think of a way to say them. "Well, I like that he's so dedicated to the game and people he loves. I also admire him for his skill and...I don't know. This is embarrassing." Artemis hated how emotional she was getting. The more she talked about Oliver, the more she felt her heart swell with adoration for him.

   "I get it," Fred said. "You obviously really like him."

   "And we're willing to help you get him," George added with a wink.

   "Yeah, we're up for telling him how you feel, maybe sending him in the right know, the stuff that guys do for each other."

   Artemis stretched, yawned, and shook her head. "Thanks but no thanks, boys. I don't exactly trust you to deliver the message correctly."

   "Why on earth not?" the twins asked.

   She raised her eyebrows. "I think you know."

   "Very well." With that, they left, each glancing back at her once.

   Artemis returned to her book but, now that her mind was occupied with thoughts of Oliver Wood, she found herself unable to concentrate on the words on the page in front of her. Closing the book one more time and slipping it into her robes, Artemis stood up and began the walk to the Hospital Wing.

   As she rounded the corner, white-sheeted hospital beds came into view. Artemis could see Madame Pomfrey tending to another student in the back of the room and Oliver sitting up in his bed.

   "You're awake!" she exclaimed, hurrying over to him. "How do you feel?"

   "Better," he replied, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. "Ribs are fine, but my head's still bothering me a bit."

   Artemis nodded and resumed position on the bed beside him. "So you'll be able to return to Quidditch soon?"

   "Yeah, tomorrow. And, uh, speaking of Quidditch..." Oliver leaned in toward her and began to whisper. "I heard that you, uh...kissed me. While I was asleep."

   "Um..." Artemis could feel her face heat up. "Who told you? Was it-"

   "The Weasley twins," they both finished together.

   "Yeah. I just wanted to ask you...why you did that. I mean, I didn't really think that we should be friends, since we're in different houses and all, and now you want to be...more..." Oliver rubbed the back of his head. "I dunno." He picked at the sleeve of his grey sweater.

   Artemis bit her finger to keep from yelling. Once she composed herself, she whispered, "Okay. So...what are you saying? That we still shouldn't be friends, even though I've been nothing but kind to you?" She was shocked, shocked and hurt.

   "Um...I dunno...I guess. I just think that there may be some ulterior motives or something...I mean, you are a Slytherin and all, you guys are cunning..." He bit his lip, and Artemis found it hard to stay mad at him as she stared at his adorable face. But the anger returned once his words sank in.

   "Okay, now you're being prejudiced. That's just great." She stood up, heavy Quidditch boots making loud noises on the tiled floor. When Oliver opened his mouth to add something, she held up a finger to stop him. "I don't want to hear it. I've heard way more than enough. You don't want to be friends, that's fine. I's fine." She stormed out of the Hospital Wing without a backwards glance.

   As she made her way to the Potions classroom before the class started, Artemis was torn between screaming in anger and going back to apologize for whatever it was she had done wrong.

   I wish I looked back, she thought. Just to see his face. And as she walked into the classroom, she was holding back tears.

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