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    Jungkook ran as fast as he could back home. He thrust open the door and screamed for her to answer him. He limped his way across his floors, opening doors and looking around corners, though it was to no avail that he'd find her.

He looked at a table and saw a picture of her. She was standing with a smile on her face, as if she were still there.

He smashed it on the ground.

He broke into tears.

Any number of people a wall away could hear him.

He wanted the whole world to know that his girlfriend was dead.

Why couldn't he remember her? Why didn't he know this?

Why didn't anyone bother to tell him?

Why...did this all feel like he'd already been through it?

His cries rang out louder in frustration and lack of understanding, hating that he didn't know why he felt the way he did, why it seemed like he'd already cried and broken down about her death.

He caught...a flash of something.

A...fist. Towards him.

A knife...


A car...

Oh, God.

It was... Now he knew, he knew why he felt like this.

He just couldn't remember what had happened before.

On the floor, on the dirty floor, his phone rang. He crawled to it and answered it.

"Hello?" a voice said. Namjoon. Rap Monster.

You have a death wish?

"Hey, it's Namjoon," he continued, "um... I guess you're just listening right now, but...I want... Well, no, I need to tell you something, but you have to come to my house. Hoseok came back from your work and said I had to tell you the truth, so... Just come, okay? Suga... Uh, Yoongi's already on his way to get you. I'll see you-" Jungkook hung up the phone before Namjoon could even finish his sentence. He threw it back on the floor and his eyes fell on the picture he had broken.

As if he could ever be sad about it anymore.

He reached to pick it up. She looked so nice, wearing his hat. Two weeks in. Asked if it was okay to frame it. Yes. Yes, it's okay, Jungkookie.

Knock at his door.

"Hello?" a voice called through. "Suga's here to get you!" Jungkook stood and opened the door, giving Yoongi a look. "Oh, I didn't think you'd answer." Jungkook shook his head and stepped out the door and past Yoongi, on his way to the house, without or without help.

Once Jungkook stepped into the house, Namjoon stood.

"Jungkook, I-" he began, but Jungkook shook his head.

"How could you completely leave out the part where I lost memory?" Jungkook asked. "Even if it didn't take long for it to come back, you could have said something." His voice was monotonous. Bland. Boring. Not even a hint of anger.

"You...," Namjoon began, but paused. "You just... You sounded so full of...energy, I didn't want to take it from you. And you had a girlfriend, and motivation, and a life, and it... It seemed worse to tell you the truth than anything."

"So?" Jungkook said. "I deserved to know the truth. I broke down and felt everything I felt before, back when I wasn't depressed or panicked or asocial or anything. I had to relive the pain of accepting my girlfriend was dead in order to remember. You think I'd rather go through that than be told the truth that I simply lost my memory for an hour?" Jungkook stepped forward. "I was living the life I had five months ago before my co-worker, Jun, told me the truth. He didn't even know I had gotten hurt and run over."

"You got...run over?" Namjoon repeated.

"Yeah, after those people beat me in the alleyway, I got hit by a car." Jungkook sighed. "The person must've just shoved me back into the alleyway and taken off. They didn't want to be pinned as a murderer." Jungkook looked at Namjoon directly. "Regardless of whether or not you saved me, it was wrong to keep the truth from me."

"I know," Namjoon said, looking down and holding his hands behind his back. "I'm sorry, I apologise completely." Jungkook looked up.

It was strange, regaining himself back in current time. It still wasn't...the same as it was before. He didn't quite feel...as depressed as before. Comparing himself before and after the accident, it was odd to feel...like he was better after than he ever was before.

"Thank you," Jungkook found himself saying. "For finding me. I might be dead if you hadn't gotten me. And thank you also for not taking me to a hospital. They would make me get a therapist." Namjoon chuckled and looked over to his left, where Jin was stood.

"If you ever need someone, Jin's a pretty good listener," Namjoon directed. "And V's good at keeping everyone's spirits up." V looked away from his game.

"What?" he asked, as he hadn't been listening. His eyes fell on Jungkook. "Oh, hey, Jungkook, I didn't even know you were here. I got better, you want to try and beat me again?"

For once, Jungkook managed a laugh. It was strange to feel that happiness bubble inside him, even if it did fade after a few moments.

"Could I stay here for awhile?" Jungkook asked, and Yoongi immediately threw an arm around Jungkook's shoulders.

"Yes!" he said. "Finally, you want to stay! We've got to show you the dance room." Yoongi's eyes fell on Jungkook's leg. "Well, maybe when you can walk a little better." Then the rest of his body. "And when you've eaten some more." Yoongi stepped back. "Actually, we'll just wait until you're completely better, yeah?" Jungkook nodded.

"Jungkook!" another voice jumped in. "Hey, I haven't seen you for awhile! Has your leg gotten better?" Jimin grinned, and Hoseok followed him out from the shadows of the bathroom.

"Jin," Hoseok said, squeezing past Jimin, "can I talk to you?" Jin looked at him and nodded, leading them both away from the room.

It was odd, seeing all these people in his life, hardly knowing them at all. Yet they were most likely the only people in the world who cared about him right now. All starting from Namjoon offering him money for food. All from a kind gesture.

All from one action was he given the chance to heal.

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