Chapter 2

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Mariah's POV

Fridays in Fall meant one thing. Football. We had a mediocre team, with the exception of Chris Rodriguez, the star junior running back who was destined to play college ball and make our small Texas town look way better than it actually is. I loved nearly everything about football season: the performance, the energy, the getting out of school early for away games, the school spirit (even if I wasn't a huge fan of the school or the sport myself). The bugs and the general outdoors-ness of it weren't ideal, but they were tolerable.

Tonight was the first game of the season, and the whole school seemed to be buzzing with energy. It was a home game luckily, which meant no long bus rides and double the stakes.

I wished I had the same energy as my squad. They were practically bouncing off the walls with excitement at practice, but I just didn't feel like it. In fact I was almost dreading the game.

Nevertheless, I stuck on a fake, giant smile and pretended like I only lived for football season.

"YOU NEED TO PICK IT UP MARIAH!" Screamed my cheer coach, Coach Agnes, as I did a tumbling run. I was already out of breath and my legs felt like lead. Still, I pushed and I pushed and I pushed until I couldn't push anymore.

My feet hit the ground and immediately slid out from under me. I hit the ground with a dull thud. I sat there for a moment, trying to regain my senses.

Chris' POV

The whole school seemed to have its eyes on me. Eyes watched me wherever I went. Teachers commented about the upcoming game, students gave me good luck. And it felt amazing. Football days were the only days that made me feel like I was worth something to someone, even if my only skill was to run a ball across a line.

Everyone seemed to have my back, with the exception of my dad.

I walked into my physics class feeling pretty good about myself until my phone started to buzz in my pocket. I told my teacher, Mr. Myers, I had to take the call. He nodded and I walked into the hall.

I answered the phone. "Hello-"

"Just because you're the star football player doesn't mean you're all that." He hissed at me. "Personally, I couldn't care less, about you or the sport. You better get your ass home by 11:30, you hear?"

"Yes sir" I said with an accidental hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Don't take that tone with me!" He screamed. "You're lucky I even let you play! Do you know how much coke I could by with all the money I waste on your fees! You better show me some respect or else I'll fu-"

I hung up the phone, unable to listen to anymore of his crap.

Ryan's POV

French horn in hand, I staggered onto the bus. Even though this is a home game, the stadium is still 20 minutes away. I personally hate football but I was willing to suffer through it if it mean I got to march. I shuffled to a seat and sat down with a small thump. Fellow band members shuffled past, carefully choosing who to sit next to. A few looked at me and turned away. But it's fine. I prefer it that way.

I plugged in my headphones and turned up the volume louder than I should. The voice of Freddie Mercury poured into my ears. I closed my eyes and heaved a great sigh.

Ashley's POV

Because it was the first game, my choir had to sing the national anthem. The whole day, I waited with nervous excitement.

After way too long, the school day was over. I went home and pulled on my choir gown. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked disgusting. My stomach was just rolls of fat, and my dress did nothing to hide it. I turned away with tears in my eyes. The voices in my head started to nag me about how bad I looked.

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