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We arrived at the bar and as soon as I stepped down, I knew it was bad news. It literally had a big flashing sign that points to the entrance saying 'I'M SO GAY!'

"Jimin! What is this place?" I pull him behind the car.

"It's a bar! It's my go-to hangout where I meet new people!"

"I am not going in there"

"Come on hyung! Live a little!"

"Can't we go to a normal bar?"

"Fine.. I know this place you might like it's a 'lounge'"

"Well that sounds better, let's go" and with that we left.

(At the lounge)

"Want a drink?" Jimin pointed to the bar at the back of the room.

"Sure" we walked towards the bar.

"What would you like?" The bartender asks me.

"I'd like a tequila please"

"How 'bout you Jimin?"

"The usual" he flashed the bartender a smile and she smiled back.

"Hey, I'm Zoe" she put her hand out for me to shake.

"You're a new face? Are you Jimin's new boyfriend or something?"

"NO! He just dragged me here cause he said I needed a 'social life'." I rolled my eyes at Jimin.

"Oh! So you're not gay?"

"Nope, I'm as straight as a pole."

"Well, this is a first. Most of the people that Jimin come with are either gay or bisexual.
Except of course my boyfriend Taehyung" I shoot Jimin a look and he just shrugged it off.

"So you two know each other?" I ask Zoe.

"Yeah we go way back, we met back in the elementary school in Busan" Jimin puts his arm around me and I pull it off

"Here's you're drinks" Zoe walks off as she receives a phone call.

"Well this was a fun night let's go ho–"

"Yah! Where do you think you're going?" Jimin pulled at the collar of my flannel.

"Fine, let's go and dance!" He dragged me to the dance floor and started dancing.

"Jimin, I can't dance!"

"Sure you can! Just let your body move" he started body rolling and I scrunched my face up in disgust.

"How about you dance and I just sit down and maybe... Sleep! Yeah that's a good idea" I heard Jimin sigh as I walk towards the chairs in the corner. I sat myself down when I saw a piano. I can do that I thought to myself. I stood and and started playing Fur Elise.

"I didn't know you could play the piano I heard a female voice say behind me.

"Oh hey Zoe! Who's that?"

"This is Taehyung, my boyfriend"

"Nice to meet you" I put my hand out for a handshake but he gave me a hug.

"Any friend of Jimin is a friend of mine!" He flashed me a weird smile and dragged Zoe to the dance floor.

After the playing the piano, I went to the bar to order more drinks.

(1:00 a.m)

"Yah! Yoongi hyung! What are you doing on the floor!"

"This isn't the fl– hic floor, this is my bed."

"Shit, you got drunk. Wait, one, two, three hmph!" Jimin carried me on his back as he made his way towards his car then, everything went black.


HEY GUYSS~ Early update, you're welcome B)   I want to start making a oneshot book... leave any comments for requests or message me :) you could also leave your name and gender if you want to include it in the oneshot. hope you enjoy reading and I FINALLY GOT MY LAPTOP BACK THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE!

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