Chapter Ten

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The morning came too quick. However I didn't really care. Any time I wanted to, I could go back to sleep. I was blessed with another day off. Although Alyster's parents here would make that difficult. Opening my eyes, I came face to face with a still sleeping Alyster.
Honestly? It was cute. His jet black hair shot in all sorts of directions, his mouth was closed and he hand one of his hands up by his face and the other stretched out over his head. Alyster was never someone I imagined waking up next to. Not that he was repulsive or anything. I love everything about Alyster, except for his little player habits. He and I were partially the same person, he just seemed like a guy who would never go for me, which is why I never imagined waking up next to him.
"Morning." A drowsy, course, mumble escaped from Alyster's lips, his eyes not opening to meet my gaze. Yet still I quickly looked away.
"Morning." I said back, rolling over to lay on my back. "How'd you know I was awake." I asked curiously.
"I felt you staring at me." He mumbled again, moving positions and a heavy sigh fell out of his nose.
My face heated up, mostly because I was embarrassed my housemate knew I was looking at him while he was asleep. .
Humming, he had switched to position that was familiar for him. His hands were tucked behind his head on his back and from what I could tell his eyes were still closed.
Quickly, I changed to a new subject. "Did you sleep okay?" I asked, pulling myself to sit up in the bed. Alyster nodded when I looked back at him. His eyes were now open just a sliver and the way he was looking at me was different. Lazily he smiled at me, averting his gaze again. He swung his feet over the edge of the bed, reaching out his arms to stretch.
Since he faced away from me, I noticed his back muscles as he stretched. They tensed up and the relaxed. His arms fell and he rolled his shoulders, leaning forward to hold his head. Giving a low groan, he chuckled faintly. "I just remembered my parents are here." I think he tried to mumbled the next part but I heard every word after. "I thought I scored."
For some reason, I wasn't offended at the remark. Maybe it was because I knew for a fact, if Alyster tried to hit on me and get me back in his bed, I know it would happen. The only reason I would consciously reject him would be, well, I can't think of anything. It's not like I'm a virgin and just giving it away to anybody, no. Although, if that was the occasion and I don't think the story would be different. I know that makes me sound horrible as a human, even though I don't really care about someone's, whom I have never met, opinion.
"Do you work today?" I asked, pushing myself off the end of the bed. He turned to look at me and laughed weakly, his eyes now fully visible.
"No, my parents have things planned." The way he said planned was dragged on and definitely filled with dread.  Everything so far proved to me Alyster strongly disliked his parents. Standing up, he gave me a quick nod. "I'm sorry if you had plans, but they'll expect you to be with."
I frowned. "I didn't have anything planned, really." I crossed my arms over my body, warming up from being out from under the covers. "Do I have to wear something they'd like?" I didn't ask to be rude, I asked to be considerate. Alyster just shook his head.
"Don't worry about impressing them, Saph." He rubbed his neck. "They'll love you. After all, you are my fiancé." He smirked. "They have to love you."
I nodded, opening up the drawer of my dresser. "They better. I don't want to mess things up." Pulling out a band tee and a pair of classical black skinny jeans I tossed them onto the bed. I looked up at Alyster, a small frown.
"How would you mess things up?" He asked, pushing his hands into the pockets of his pants. I shrugged, pulling off my shirt.
"I don't know, your parents seem very judgmental and I'm not really your fiancé" Huffing a laugh I pulled on my jeans. Alyster had sat down once again, picking up my shirt to lay it in his lap.
"Don't worry, they are." I'm not good with judgmental people, my self esteem is low enough as it is. "We'll be fine." He smirked when I looked at him and I only faintly laughed.
"That makes me feel soooo better." I laughed, taking the shirt from him and pulling it over my head. Pushing my hair from being tucked into my shirt, Alyster rose again, twisting his upper body to crack his back. He pursed his lips.
"I'm going to go get my clothes." Bending at the waist he picked up my converse sneakers and tossed them onto the bed. "If you're fine with it I'll some for the week in here."
Shaking my head I sat back on the bed. "Go for it." I smiled at him.


Once out of the bathroom, I saw Alyster and his parents out in the living room. Alyster had cleaned up, but still in his normal 'bad boy' appearance. His parents still managed to look completely opposite from the both of us. Alyson's hair done in the way only the richest of women would do, and his father with the same exact hair as last night. They were in somewhat less fancy of clothing. His father in a button up long sleeve and a pair of pants and his mother wore a lovely sun dress. Bright colors. Not for me.
Alyster still had his hands in his pockets, same stance as if he hadn't moved them even to change pants. He smiled at me, pulling out one of his hands, holding it out to me. "Ready, darling?" I nodded softly and took his hand. They were bigger than mine. Way bigger. I never really noticed until now. He interlocked our fingers, pulling them down to his side, my arm slightly bent from his height compared to mine.
His parents insisted on taking a cab, and we did. Cornelius went on about how he was happy that his son had finally found someone to carry on the family name with and how excited he was to give his son's half of the wealth back. Which explained why our apartment was so shitty and they dress as if they were occupying a mansion of their own.
I wasn't mad at the thought of maybe Alyster using me to get his share of the money back, I honestly didn't care at all. With my whole situation with Baxtor, I felt just as rich. As horrible that sounds, it was true.
We pulled up, somewhere I had never seen before, and we filed out of the backseat of the cab. I was happy not to be squished up to them anymore.
A big sign on the side of the building read: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. As I said before, I never knew it existed.
Alyster never let go of my hand through the museum and of course I noticed. Figuring that I thought he'd let go any chance he got. As I suspected, Mrs. Collins only spoke whenever spoken to, and I didn't really understand it. Around lunchtime, I offered to buy his parents lunch from the cafeteria, but they politely declined.
After an hour of trying to figure out where Cornelius wanted to eat, we ended up at a fancier restaurant than just a KFC. Once we all ordered, Cornelius and Alyson disappeared to help themselves to the salad bar. Alyster turned to me as soon as they were out of sight. "I'm sorry." Again, he had apologized.
Shaking my head, I smiled simply at him. "It's okay, I'm actually kind of enjoying this." I pursed my lips into a line when he cocked an eyebrow. I sighed. "I like museums and all that stuff." I shrugged. "It's nice to go for once instead of slaving for drunks in a bar." He nodded, leaning back in his chair.
"My mum's not always like this." He looked back to the area where they had disappeared. "She's actually a high energy lady." He shrugged and rubbed his jaw looking down at the table.
"I figured it was your father." I frowned. He looked at me, arching his brow up again. "I mean-" I sighed. "He seems like the type to believe women belong in the kitchen."
"Don't they?"
I snapped my head over to look at him wide eyed. He smiled wide and laughed. "I'm kidding Saph." He chuckled. "But yeah. He is." He shook his head, groaning quietly. "He doesn't make her stay quiet though." He shrugged. "I don't know what it is."
I felt bad for him. The way he talked about it, he was worried for his mother. He was a good guy, if you know him, and I'm guessing his mom was too. Maybe she was depressed.
"We can talk later." He mumbled, looking up and then back at me. I turned to see his parents walking back to our table with plates in their hands.
"So when's the wedding?" I was taken back, hearing Alyson ask the question. I jumped in before Alyster himself could answer.
"We haven't really decided yet, Mrs. Collins." Smiling and bit my lip softly. "I was actually hoping, when he plan the date of course," I laughed. "You'd help me with decorations?" For the first time in the short time I've spent with her, I saw her face actually light up and a smile grow onto her face.
"I would love to!" She kind of yelled, earning a disapproving look from Cornelius. I ignored him and she did too. "I helped with Alyster's sisters wedding, Camilla, and it was gorgeous." She let out a light hearted giggle, sounding happier than ever. A new secret revealed. Alyster had siblings. I wonder how many? Maybe just the one.
"I believe that." I laughed happily. "You have a beautiful sense of style. Mine's very dark."
She laughed again, nodding. "Although it suits you, love." She smiled. "It matches Alyster's and you two make a lovely couple." My ears heated up, knowing that I was now blushing. I don't know why what she said affected me like it did, but I heard a faint chuckle come from Alyster and I didn't dare looking at him.
"Thank you, Mrs. Collins."
"Please, call me Alyson." She smiled wide and patted my hand. She nodded and looked over at Alyster. "I approve of her, Alyster" I looked at him too. He had a smirk plastered on his lips and he sat up straighter.
"I think I have a good one mum." He chuckled again.
"Yes, well." Mr. Collins deep, monotone voice broke the happiness in half, turning us all to look at him. "Alyson eat your food."

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