Chapter Seventeen

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Pulling on the little black dress, I wiped my hands down it, pushing out all the wrinkles. Pursing my lips, I blew out a sigh from my nose. "God." I laughed silently to myself, trying to brush off some kind of nerves. I was around Alyster every day of my life, yet the one time I go out to a nice dinner with him, I can't help but shake. Looking away from the mirror I turned and grabbed my cell phone, pushing it into the side purse. I never wore one, but I didn't have much of a chest to put my phone in and I didn't have any pockets.
    Once I had everything together, I walked out to the living room, looking up to see Alyster, his hands shoved into a nice pair of pants and a dress shirt with a tie, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He looked at me, his black hair out of his face for once and a smile curled onto his lips. "You're early." He joked, chuckling softly to himself. I smiled.
    "I didn't want to keep you waiting." Walking to him, I commented. Slipping on a pair of flats I looked up at him. "Are you ready?" I asked.
    "Born ready." He smiled.
    Where we went wasn't anything overly fancy, but our attire was appropriate.  I pulled myself closer to the table, smiling at the british boy across from me. He was playing with the buttons on his shirt. Watching him, I couldn't help but smile. I've always liked Alyster. Not necessarily dating but more of knocking bodies. He cleared his throat, looking up at me, a single black strand falling into his eyes. He was cute like this, flustered and nervous. He was always attractive. Only sometimes was he just cute. The whole week with his parents changed my thoughts on him just being a player. They way he treated his mother when his father wasn't around, I knew Alyster had a good heart under all that fucking around.
"I'm sorry it isn't anything super fancy." His lips twitched into a smile. Shaking my head I smiled at him.
"Don't worry about it." I hummed, leaning forward to get closer. "I'm not a fancy girl." I laughed and winked at him. Chuckling he nodded once.
"I knew that too." He smiled. "I just wanted to impress you." He muttered.
Impress me? I giggled after he said that, flipping over the menu to the back, looking for what I wanted to drink. When the waitress came up to us, Alyster had gotten a red wine and I ordered a Mountain Dew in a wine glass. Yes, in a wine glass. Alyster laughed at me, raising an eyebrow once I ordered.
"In a wine glass?" He asked.
"Is there something wrong with that?" I asked, laughing faintly. He shrugged his shoulders, fixing his styled black hair.
"No, no!" He chuckled. "I'm surprised you didn't just get wine... In a wine glass?" He smirked.
The urge to stick my middle finger in his face was strong. Though I resisted. I didn't need him thinking I was childish and leave me to pay for the food. That that I suspected him to pay.
The waitress brought us our drinks, setting them down in front of us. I thanked her and we both ordered. Both our meals were complete opposites of eachother. Alyster kept bringing up silly topics until our food arrived. He had a fun time reminding me about the first week I moved in, I came stumbling home hitting on him drunk off my ass. He had work that night so he didn't go out himself. I was flustered during that whole conversation. I laughed weakly, looking down at my lap. "Shut up." I mumbled, biting down on the corner of my lip. When I looked back up at him, he was just smiling. A soft look in his eyes. I blushed even harder and looked away quickly. I heard him sigh and he brought up a new conversation.
"I'm sorry about Mitch." Pursing his lips into a fine line when I looked at him, he rolled his neck, cracking it. "I didn't want you to get attached and if I told you I thought you'd believe me. I-I just didn't want you to get hurt because I'd have to kick his ass and what if he got you pregnant, I know he'd just leave. I know that for a fact." He continued to ramble, his knuckles turning white from being in a tight fist.
"Alyster." I cut him off, holding up my hand. "I'm done with Mitch, you know?" His fist uncurled, he looked at me with soft eyes again.
"You are?" He asked, his voice turning completely around from anger. Laughing, I nodded and shrugged softly.
"He's demanding and pushy." I hummed. "Also way too horny for me." He chuckled at that one, tilting his head to the side with a smirk.
"You mean you're not into horny guys?" He asked, his voice slightly raising.
"Noooo." I shook my head quickly and smirked. "No sex for me nah nah." I giggled. He huffed loudly and crossed his arms, slouching back against the chair.
"Dammit." Cursing, he peaked at me with a smirk on his lips. We both laughed, smiling wide when our food came.

Alyster had gone through about five glasses of wine, I just finished my first Mountain Dew when we left. We both crawled into the taxi and made it back to the apartment in a few minutes. Alyster wasn't anywhere close to drunk, which showed me he sure knew how to flirt when he was sober. I laughed softly as he pulled with him into the apartment. He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist as he bent down to my height. Biting his lip, he stared into my eyes, his green ones the clearest I have ever seen them. I felt my face heat up when he leaned closer, pressing his lips against mine. It wasn't my first kiss, but I felt as nervous if it was. It took a few seconds, but I reacted. Soon, too soon, he pulled away, grazing his tongue over his lips. He let out a slight chuckled, letting go of my waist. He stood up straight and cleared his throat, pushing his hair back. "I didn't-" He pursed his lips. "I meant to make that more romantic?" He cleared his throat again.
I crossed my arms and stared at him, cocking an eyebrow. I smiled wide. "It was!" I hummed and nudged him with my shoulder. "The only problem was you pulled away too early."
He stared at me, a smile slowly forming on to his mouth. He hummed deeply and grabbed my hips, setting me on top of the counter. His hands ran up my thighs, the tips of his fingers in my dress. He kissed me again. This time it was slow, passionate motions with his lips. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I pulled him closer. He stood between my legs, his hands now on my waist.

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