The MidnightStone Pack

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Sapphire POV

After driving for what seemed like five hours I finally arrived at the wolf packs territory that Jade and her mate were at. I stopped my car just outside of their border and got out as I waited for someone to arrive.

After waiting for about half an hour I finally smelt three werewolves. I quickly scrambled to my feet and stepped backwards.

A branch snapped in front of me and three low growls sounded across the area. I heard bones cracking and then suddenly three men wearing only shorts walked out from behind down trees.

"Who are you?" The tallest and most muscular of the men growled at me.

I smirked at him "No, the question is who are you?"

The man growled at me again and I sighed. "Just tell your Luna that the visitor from Alaska is here."

All the men narrowed their eyes at me in suspicion but I saw the leaders eyes cloud over as he contacted their alpha.

The few agonizingly slow minutes of waiting for him to finish finally came to an end as the man who first spoke to me finally spoke again.

"The alpha would like to see you." He finally said. I smirked triumphantly as I waltzed over the border.

All the men glared at me but I just smirked again.

"It's a three hour walk on foot so you need to shift." The man growled and I started to wonder if growling was the only thing they knew.

I raised an eyebrow at the men as they stared at me.

"What?" I asked, my eyebrow raising again.

"You need to shift." He repeated while they kept on staring.

"So do you." I replied and the man growled before going behind a tree, the two other men going to two different trees.

I quickly shifted into my pure white wolf and a few moments later the three other men stepped out from behind the trees as wolves.

We all nodded at each other before the largest wolf took off running, the other two wolves and I closely following behind.

After about a hour we finally made it to a giant house which I assumed was the pack house.

A woman with brown hair that looked in her mid twenties ran out of the house and towards me.

I shifted into my human form a second before she engulfed me in a hug.

"Sapphire!" She exclaimed while pulling away from me to fully look at me. "My have you grown! You where last about four feet and now your a giant!" She exclaimed and I laughed.

"Thank you Jade, it's a pleasure seeing you as well!" I told her, a smile on both of our faces.

The three men who had escorted me to the pack house where now in their humans form and wearing only shorts.

Jade saw this so she motioned to the house, "Getinside and dressed, Kaden is going to have a meeting soon."

They all nodded and went inside the house.

Jade took my hand and together we walked into the giant house.

A man who looked to be the same age as Jade walked up to us.

"Ah," the man said with a heavy German accent, "this must be the famous Sapphire."

I nodded and held out my hand, he shook it and then wrapped his arm around Jade's waist.

"My name is Kaden, I am the Alpha of this pack, the MidnightStone Pack" the man told me and I nodded in respect.

"What pack are you from?" He asked me and my eyes widened as I switched my eyes to Jade's.

Turning my gaze back to Kaden I said the first thing that came to mind.

"I'm from the Frost Pack." I told him and he nodded.

"Well it's time for me to tell everyone of your arrival." Kaden exclaimed.

"Be warned though, some Alphas are here because of rouge problems so he respectful" he said and I nodded.

Smiling, he wrapped his hand around Jade's "come on" he told us and we followed him outside to the backyard.

Suddenly a scent hit my nose that made me tense up.

Tyler was here.

WHAT?!?!? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?!? It's possible because..... I AM THE ALMIGHTY AUTHOR!!!! MUAHAHA!!!!

What do you think is going to happen next?

Who do you think is going to die next? (Lol I'm evil)

Btw everyone, I'm letting you guys pick who is going to die next, if you don't pick a person then I'll pick someone and it will be very VERY heart breaking. Hehehe. Thanks for reading!! Please vote, comment, and follow!!

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