chapter 10

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Nitaysha's POV

I closed the blinds on the house and went back to my room. I had sat in one room for about two weeks. I hadn't heard from Q or even planned on it. He hurt me and I don't even think he realized that. I wanted to hit him up just for a minute, just to see him but I wasn't weak like that. I knew what would get his attention though. I looked in my pocketbook and found the detective's  card from a few weeks ago. I dialed the number and no one answered, I left a message. Someone would call back. I hadn't been out, the only reason I ate was because of the baby. I was eight weeks, I honestly had, had enough of pregnancy because of this situation with Q, but i didn't believe in abortion so I had to stick this out. I knew what I could do, call my girl Kinah and she would get me out the house. I dialed Kinah's number and she picked up after the third ring.

"Wussup Tay?"

"Nothing girl, what you doing tonight? I'm bored."

"Um girl I haven't heard from you since I had to pull you off Q, how y'all?"

"Ain't no y'all hoe," we both chuckled. "I just wanna go out tonight, and have fun. Let's go girl."

"Okay, pick you up at 9."

I hung up the phone and walk over to my closet, I had a lot of clothes. I didn't even know what I wanted to put on. Finally after about an hour of trying clothes on I settled for a black over the shoulders sweater with a vintage skirt and some mini boots. I looked the fuck good, Q was tripping cheating on me. I really needed the fun I was about to have with Kinah. I knew if didn't nobody have me. My girl had me. Kinah pulled up and we were headed to the club. This new club called Glitter had been lit for some weeks now and that's what we both decided on. We stepped in there and the club was lit. The DJ was cutting some new jam by YFN Lucci, all the hustlers and ballers were out tonight. Out of spite I must just snatch a nigga.  I wasn't even showing yet, and word would definitely get back to Q. Me and Kinah were at the bar when out the corner of my eye this fine dark skinned brother brushed up against me. I almost fainted, this nigga was fine. He was tall, nigga was atleast 6'9 taller then any nigga I had been with. He had a pretty smile and long dreads with the tips died red.

"You tu fine to be in hea alone," He bent down and said over the music.

I smiled, "I'm not alone. I'm with my girl." I pointed at Kinah and kept bobbing my head to the music.

"Bartender, give me de special and whatever my lady here is having."

I looked up at him, "I ain't your lady, and water will be fine." I didn't look pregnant but I was and I played it smart.

I sipped on my ice cold lemon water and stared at my girl Kinah she was getting down. I looked to my left and there was Q's boy Devin, and he was coming my way.

"Wussup Tay? My boy know you out the house?" Dev asked sitting down on the stool beside me. He looked at the tall dude and the dude didn't budge, he stayed on the side of me like we had to ride together. He was just posted there sipping on his drink looking out into the crowd.

"Dev ian nobodies property stop tryna play me, and you worried about me how your baby mama doing?"

"Man she straight, I'm in here business making sure everybody got food in they mouth ya feel me?"

I took another sip of my drink, "Mhm, where Malik and Q?"

"Thought you wasn't worried about him, but naw i got some other business a meeting with some friends."

This wasn't normal, Q, Dev, and Malik always rode together especially on a business move, but it wasn't my business what they was on. Dev gave me a hug and walked away.

"Your nigga?"

I had forgot all about the tall Jamaican dude, he was still posted up beside me.

"Why you still right here? Ian got nothing for you baby boy." I was getting irritated that he was clocking me.

"You got everything I need mama, how about we go outside and talk?"

"Why we gotta talk outside when we can talk right here?"

"You ain't scared your nigga gone clock you, that lightskin nigga dat was right here."

He was referring to Dev, and if he was paying attention, he would have been able to tell Dev wasn't my nigga. I was intrigued by this nigga I couldn't lie. His swag, everything about him, just him had me wanting to know more.

"You coming or not?"

I looked around and saw Dev in a corner talking to about 3 dudes and Kinah was out on the floor dancing.

"Yea, come on."

We got outside the club and he was even cuter outside then he was inside. I got full look at his outfit and he was rocking a polo Fila shirt, with some washed jeans and some Fila's to match. His dreads were flowing and I think his hair is what had me the most.

"You not from here, Where you from?" I asked walking a little bit in front of him. He caught up quickly and smiled.

"I'm from Jamaica, I moved here a couple months ago. I work at the mall."

"Yea, I can tell by your accent. It's cute."

"Cute, huh?"

I don't know if he had a moment or some but his voice got very rough and he grabbed me. I felt like he lifted me up off the ground, his big hand slid over my mouth and next think I saw was complete darkness.


Can't breath. 

Q....somebody....Quentin....I need you. Can't breath. Can't see.


I woke up with my arms strapped to a bed and my hands tight above my head. I tried to get up and couldn't. I looked down at the foot of the bed, and the guy from the club was sitting there plucking at the wood on the bed. His dreads hanging in his face, he had removed his clothes from the club and now only hand on black pants and boots. I instantly started panicking.

"Why am I here?" I tried to pull away from the bed but I couldn't. This knot was solid.

"Because somebody wants you here, as long as they want you here. You have to stay here."

"No, you don't understand. I gotta go, my girl is prolly looking for me and my boyfriend is too."

"This boyfriend?" He put a phone in front of my face and it was Q with the same girl from the Chinese place. Tears formed in my eyes and I couldn't help but sob.

"Why? Why me? I promise, whatever the price is, he will pay.".

"Me no want price, me got paid already for snatching yuh, go back to sleep, yuh make to much noise for me, shhhhh."

I felt his hand go back over my mouth and a needle prick in my arm then again it was back to darkness.

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