Chapter Nine

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Devin's been better lately. He's gone home and he's even started to get laid. And as disgusting as that sounds, it means he's back to his old self. I've been spending more and more time with Alex.

"What's your favorite color?" Alex asks me. We're at a cool retro cafe. He, as it turns out, loves coffee.

"Mmm, stormy grey," I tell him.

"What's your favorite movie?"

"I love slasher movies, from the 80's mainly." He blinks in surprise. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just that I love those too. What's your favorite one?"

"Uh, well I really loved the Friday the 13th ones, but I also liked Nightmare on Elm street, although I liked Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal was fucking amazing, but it's from the '90's, not '80's. I can't really pick one," I tell him. He smiles.

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" he asks me. I raise an eyebrow before answering.

"I'd want to go somewhere where it always rains." Alex raises his eyebrows. "The rain helps me think. It makes you appreciate the sun."

"That's different. I'm gonna get a refill, you want one?" he asks. I nod and then he leaves. He comes back.

"Tell me about your family," I say.

"Well, my mom and dad are both in the military. I have three brothers and two sisters. My oldest brother is twenty four, the next is twenty and then the youngest is fourteen. My sisters are twenty seven and fifteen. We've moved around a lot. And that's it," he says. I hadn't realized how big of a family he had.

"Is it nice having a big family? I'm an only child soooo..." I trail off.

"Yeah, it has its pro's and con's," he says. My phone buzzes. Hey! Dad and I are home, we have dinner ready. Can you join us?? I look up at Alex.

"Speaking of families, how would you like to meet mine?" I ask him. His brown eyes widen.

"Yeah, I'd love to meet your parents," he says. He looks nervous. We leave the cafe and then drive to my house. I let us in.

"Mom!" I call out to her as we walk into the house. She runs into the living room, where we are. She lights up when she sees Alex. "I hope you don't mind that I brought a plus one."

"Oh, no. Not at all. Come in, come in," she says ushering Alex into the dining room. "I have to go make a quick call to Samantha!" she says, referring to Devin's mom. They're worse than teenagers. Alex and I take a seat next to each other. "John, look at who Riley brought," Mom says. Dad looks over Alex. He has his stern poker face on. Alex gulps. Mom dishes the food and then we eat.

"I have one question," Dad says. I roll my eyes.

"Yes sir?" Alex asks. He glances around nervously.

"Do you like coffee?" Dad says. Alex releases a breath.

"Yes, I like it very much," Alex says. My dad claps him on the back approvingly.

"You're going to fit in just fine," he says. Alex grins. My parents spend the entire time grilling Alex about himself. After a while Alex has to leave. He says goodbye to my parents and then I walk him to his house.

"Goodnight," I say. He kisses me briefly and then walks in. I walk back to my house and get ready for bed.

I like Alex. He's sweet and funny. And easy.

The next day at school Devin drops a bomb on me. "I have a girlfriend," he says. My jaw drops a little bit.

"Like a serious girlfriend? Not just a nameless booty call?" I ask him. He nods. "Wow, I'm proud of you, Dev. You're all grown up," I say ruffling his hair. He glares at me, but still smiles. Alex walks over and sits down next to me.

"What's going on?" Alex asks. He's been very civilized towards Devin. Maybe been friendly.

"Devin's got a girlfriend," I tell him. His face lights up.

"We should go on a double date," he says.

"Uh, you know, I don't really think that we have to. I mean-" I start Devin cuts me off.

"A double date sounds perfect," he says. I kick him under the table. He smiles sweetly at me. "What about tomorrow? We could go to a restaurant for dinner and then go to a late movie," Devin says.

"Perfect," Alex says.

"Perfect," I mutter. "What's her name?" I ask.

"Caroline. She's from Texas," Devin says. This is going to be oh, so very fun. "Oh, we're picking the restaurant, so you guys can pick the movie." I know exactly what movie I'm picking: the new horror one, that was just released yesterday. I want to see her cry, hopefully the movie will do it.

I'm guessing that she's skinny with big boobs and probably blonde, based on Devin's type. When I get home I dig through my closet for a shirt that I have hidden away. It's grey, lower cut and tight. I also grab a pair of skinny jeans. I know I can't outdo her, but I can try. Mom calls me down for dinner. I walk downstairs.

We start eating. Not even two minutes in she asks me, "Are you and Alex dating?"

"Mom!" I say. She shrugs. "Yes, yes we are dating not that it's any of your business."

"How's Devin doing? He hasn't been over for a little while," Mom says.

"He's doing better, but guess what? He has a girlfriend," I tell her. She smiles affectionately. To my parents, Devin's like their son. We finish eating and then watch a movie. I say goodnight and then head up to my room.

I wash my hair nicely and then use a lot of soap that smells like sweet eucalyptus and honeysuckle and maybe some sort of citrus. I look at my outfit and feel stupid, but still I don't switch it out. I crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling. I roll over and put my earbuds in. I can't fall asleep and my mind wanders to Caroline.

She must be a slut. And she probably has no redeeming personality traits. Why would Devin date her? But then again why do I care? Whatever.

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